Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thomas Jefferson would be very disappointed in the Rickster.

Santorum says he doesn't believe in separation of church and state

Read the igner'nce here.

(Note: Yahoo News links tend to go away after a while.)

The GOP War on Voting

Why Republicans have started a war against voting: "I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." — conservative activist Paul Weyrich, "father" of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation.

The GOP War on Voting

In a campaign supported by the Koch brothers, Republicans are working to prevent millions of Democrats from voting next year

Read more:

The Drums Of War Are Heard Again.

Giuliani: We Need A President Who Can Say ‘Bomb’ Iran

The war drums are beating louder and louder for Iran. And on CNN Thursday night, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani did his part, casually saying President Obama should threaten to “bomb” Iran to prevent the country from developing a nuclear weapon.

More neocon stupidity here.

Tee Partayers don't nede no stankin' edukacion...

Michigan Tea Partiers Share Rick Santorum’s Fears Over Obama’s College Push

Just look at what college might do to you: You might become PRESIDENT!!

But seriously, from the article:

“Everybody can’t be equal,” agreed Paul Murrow of Milford.

Wow. That explains a lot about the Tee Partay. More here.

World War III in the Making: Can Russia and China Stop a Strike on Iran?

Wondering if China and Russia aren't the reasonable ones in the ongoing ME mess...

More here.

Will Syria’s Civil War Spread to a Regional Sectarian War between Sunnis and Shiites?

The situation in Syria has now festered so much that it has reached a point of no return. While the big regional and international players are interfering in Syria’s affairs by siding with either the Assad regime or the so called revolution, they are not addressing what should be a much bigger regional and global concern: Can the civil war in Syria be contained or will it spread to surrounding countries and ignite a full blown sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites? While the already precarious stability of the entire region is at stake, two countries are in the “direct line of fire” of a Syrian civil war domino effect: Lebanon and Iraq.

Engineering a war within Islam might not be the motive behind this disastrous geopolitical strategy, but it is likely- providing that the Syrian civil war spread-to be the outcome. Neither Sunnis nor Shiites and certainly not Islam have anything to gain from this.

More here.

After Voting For Tuition Hike, Arizona State Representative Tells Poor Students: ‘Welcome To Life’

Of course, she's a Republican...

Read it here.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trump Set to Endorse Romney–So What?

SHOCKING!! Well... not really. It's one ridiculously wealthy arrogant asshat endorsing another ridiculously wealthy arrogant asshat... sounds about right. Plus if Romney is in the spotlight as nominee, you better believe Trump wants to be there with him to promote his crap. ~ Opinionated Democrat

Read it here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What Mitt Romney's victories have in common: a low Republican turnout. Terrific news for Barack Obama.

The Florida primary overnight has produced the thumping victory for Mitt Romney that the polls were predicting. But what might be worrying GOP strategists is that turnout was down sharply compared to four years ago. Florida will be one of the critical battlegrounds in November and the last thing the party wants is for Republican-inclined voters to be less enthusiastic.
The New York Times's election and polling analyst, Nate Silver, has done some number-crunching using the exit poll data from the four states that voted in January and finds that there is a pattern. In Iowa the number of self-identifying Republicans was down by 11%, in New Hampshire 15% the reduction was 15% while in Florida overnight it was 16%.

Hunting Nazis: Anonymous snares Ron Paul in Operation Blitzkrieg

Goodnight white pride: Anonymous hacktivists expose Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul’s connection with American neo-Nazis.
On Tuesday, Anonymous enthusiasts hacked and defaced the website of American Third Position (A3P),  a major US-based white supremacist network. According to Anonymous, documents liberated in the hack show that “Ron Paul has regularly met with many A3P members, even engaging in conference calls with their board of directors.”

The notorious international Internet hacktivist collective known as Anonymous is currently targeting American Nazis and white supremacists as part of their ongoing Operation Blitzkrieg (#OpBlitzkrieg).  On Sunday, as part of Operation Blitzkrieg, hacktivists associated with Anonymous hacked and defaced the web page belonging to the American Nazi Party.


This Romney Quote Will Make Your Head Hurt

Irony Watch

Trashcanistan will probably always be a mess

Pakistan helping Afghan Taliban

The Taliban in Afghanistan are being directly assisted by Pakistani security services, according to a secret Nato report seen by the BBC.

The leaked report, derived from thousands of interrogations, claims the Taliban remain defiant and have wide support among the Afghan people.

A BBC correspondent says the report is painful reading for international forces and the Afghan government.

A Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman called the accusations "ridiculous".


AUDIO: Chris Christie Apologizes For Suggesting Civil Rights Should Have Been Voted On

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has apologized for comments he made that the civil rights movement could have advanced with referenda instead of deadly protests, admitting, “I wasn’t clear enough.


The Odd Couple: Romney Vs. Gingrich

How the GOP race became a showdown between a walking OCD diagnosis and a flatulent serial adulterer:


Republicans/Fox Noise Claim of 900 Zombies Voting In South Carolina: Nope. Didn't Happen.

Earlier this month, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson (R) set off alarms by claiming there was evidence that over 900 dead people had voted in his state’s recent elections. The charge has since been echoed in a wide array of media outlets, nowhere more prominently than Fox News.

Although the state has not disclosed the names of the 900 zombies who allegedly showed up at the polls, Wilson did provide six names which he claims are on the list. Yet a preliminary review of these six by the South Carolina State Election Commission reveals six far more innocent explanations (bolds are ours):

One was an absentee ballot cast by a voter who then died before election day;

Another was the result of an error by a poll worker who mistakenly marked the voter as Samuel Ferguson, Jr. when the voter was in fact Samuel Ferguson, III;

Two were the result of stray marks on the voter registration list detected by the scanner – again, a clerical error;
The final two were the result of poll managers incorrectly marking the name of the voter in question instead of the voter listed either above or below on the list.

When ThinkProgress wrote about Wilson’s charge two and a half weeks ago, we noted that nearly every time someone makes dead voter allegations, the culprit ends up being “a spelling error, a check-in error, or simply a death shortly after Election Day.” Indeed, clerical errors and a death close to Election Day is precisely what happened in Abbeville County, not voting from the grave.

More here.

Republicans have no shame when it comes to preventing folks from voting, if they might not vote for Republicans.

Scott Walker probe widens

You know that head of the Republican National Committee whose name sounds like something you do to a Toyota in a car wash - Reince Preibus? Well, he may be involved, along with Raising Cain's failed Presidential campaign, in naughty-naughties done by the soon-to-be-recalled Wisconsin Gub'ner:

Read it here.

The only way the tee partay would ever vote for O'Bama