Friday, June 23, 2017


Robert Reich Sez...

Trump’s “jobs plan” is nothing more than economic nationalism packaged in publicity stunts. Three of Trump’s job-saving “deals” fell through this week:

1) Boeing will lay off 200 workers at its assembly plant in South Carolina. Trump visited the factory in February to outline his jobs plan. In his remarks, Trump even pledged, “I will never, ever disappoint you.”

2) Carrier will eliminate 600 manufacturing jobs in Indiana. In one of his first major announcement as president-elect, Trump promised to save 1,100 positions at the factory from being outsourced to Mexico. The company will begin shifting more operations to Mexico next month.

3) Ford will a move a major production line to China. Under pressure from Trump, the automaker cancelled plans to build the Focus sedan in Mexico. Instead, Ford will build it in China.

The formula to economic success isn’t cheap publicity stunts. American competitiveness depends on investments in American workers – in their healthcare, education, and job training -- so they’re productive and competitive with workers advanced nations. Trump and his Republican enablers are doing the opposite.

Trump’s job promises are lies that betray many who voted for him.

Robert Reich on Facebooks

Election Hacking In Georgia?

Let's look at our "loss" in GA06 this week. Watchdog groups verify machines were NOT secure in the least and they were designed so that there was no way vote counts could be checked. Even worse over a dozen polling places were magically changed in Democratic leaning districts. NINE of them (9!) actually claimed they were all under renovation! Yet again, us Democrats just accept this as normal and concede to another bullshit result...
Ed Barcas III on Facebook

What Is the Far Right’s Endgame? A Society That Suppresses the Majority.

When the Supreme Court decided, in the 1954 case of Brown vs. Board of Education, that segregated public schools were unconstitutional, Tennessee-born economist James McGill Buchanan was horrified. Over the course of the next few decades, the libertarian thinker found comfortable homes at a series of research universities and spent his time articulating a new grand vision of American society, a country in which government would be close to nonexistent, and would have no obligation to provide education—or health care, or old-age support, or food, or housing—to anyone.

This radical vision has become the playbook for a network of people looking to override democracy in order to shift more money to the wealthiest few, historian and professor at Duke University Nancy MacLean argues in her new book, an intellectual biography of James Buchanan called Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.* Buchanan’s life story, she writes, is “the true origin story of today’s well-heeled radical right.”

We are at a crucial moment in our history, and we will not get another chance, by this cause’s own telling. They say again and again that this is going to be permanent, and they’re very close to victory. So I think we need to be really clear-eyed about understanding this and reaching out to one another without panic.