Saturday, April 23, 2011

REVISING THE AMERICAN DREAM: Republican-Induced Job Loss

Many people say the Boehner Congress hasn't created any jobs. Republican Economist Mark Zandi goes further and says the Ryan Plan will cut 1,700,000 jobs in its first two years.

"Economists across the political spectrum are warning of the threat that cuts to government services pose for job creation and growth in the near term. Most recently, economist Mark Zandi forecast that the Ryan-Republican plan will eliminate 1.7 million jobs in its first two years . But deep cuts to investments proposed in the Ryan-Republican budget plan will also set back the long-run growth and competitiveness of the U.S. economy."

But not to worry. Eight years after that we'll all be swimming in jobs at health insurance companies. Think about all the cash that is going to flow into Big Insurance from both the government and from seniors and their families. When the voucher doesn't cover expenses, BAM that's more money from seniors and their children who support them into private health insurance conglomerates. They'll be hiring like crazy and we'll all get rich!!