Saturday, May 19, 2012

Poor Mitt Rmoney. Foiled Again.

A few weeks ago, Mitt Rmoney said:

“It’s also apparent, according to these reports, if they’re accurate, that our embassy failed to put in place the kind of verifiable measures that would assure the safety of Mr. Chen and his family. If the reports are true, this is a dark day for freedom and it’s a day of shame for the Obama administration. We are a place of freedom, here and around the world and we should stand up and defend freedom wherever it is under attack.” 

Now, looky what's happened:

CAMP ROUND MEADOW, Md. -- White House security advisor Ben Rhodes said Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng has left China and is on his way to the United States with his wife and two sons.
"We welcome this development and the fact that he'll be able to pursue a course of study here upon his arrival," Rhodes told reporters gathered at Camp David for the G8 Summit.
Rhodes said the Chinese government followed through on agreements made during a visit by Hillary Clinton to China, when the dissident's case made headlines around the world. China allowed Chen to leave to study abroad, in this case at NYU.
"In the intervening days,…I think it was a matter of working through the visa arrangements and travel arrangements," Rhodes said. "We're pleased this has reached a resolution."
What say you now, Mitt?