Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Elite Bullies

David Siegel, the owner of Westgate Resorts, sent a surprising email to his employees Monday. 
It said that if President Barack Obama wins re-election and raises Siegel's taxes, he will have to lay off workers and downsize his company — or even shut it down.
"If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company," he wrote. "Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone."
In a version of Romney's "47 percent" remarks, Siegel added that "people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for."

So now we have the sorry spectacle of whiney wealthy employers demanding that their employees vote for Mitt Rmoney or risk losing their jobs. Somehow I don't think this is a new phenomenon, as I recall a previous employer of mine rather strongly encouraging his employees to vote for Ronald Reagan. We've heard of several instances occuring recently, all of them right wing employers, but I can imagine that there are a few lefty job creators doing the same thing.

Obviously this behavior by some employers is quite naughty by democratic standards. One of the most precious things in our society is the principle of "one man, one vote" and that vote is supposed to be secret and sacred. You should not be afeared of suffering repercussions over how you vote, other than possible repercussions due to the policies of the fellah you helped elect!

It kinda surprises me to see that these cretins who try to bully their employees into voting for their guy don't seem to feel any shame when their shenanigans are brought to light. No, they seem quite proud of their actions. One of the worst offenders has even bragged that he insured the re-election of that turd GWB.

I've become more worried recently that Mitt Rmoney will in fact be elected President. I note the above employer intimidation, along with the success Rmoney is having peddling increasingly bodacious lies about his ever changing positions on issues, and the large numbers of white folks who believe insidiously ridiculous lies about O'Bama (Muslim, not born in the USA, commie, socialist, nazi, etc.). The Republican Plan, hatched in a back room even as O'Bama was being inaugurated back in 2009, has come to fruition. Most Americans have bought right wing lies because they are unable or unwilling to research-research-research, or they are so afraid they will believe anyone who makes it sound easy to fix our problems.

In conclusion, we are doomed.