Monday, December 10, 2012

Former Fla. Gov. Crist, once a Republican, now a Democrat

     Charlie Crist, the former Republican governor of Florida, is now officially a Democrat, he announced on Twitter late Friday, after filing official paperwork at a White House Christmas party that reportedly was met with a fist bump by President Obama.
     "What changed is the leadership of the Republican Party," Crist told the Tampa Bay Times in a phone interview Friday night. "As I said at the convention, I didn't leave the Republican Party, it left me. Whether the issue was immigration, or education, or - you name it - the environment. I feel at home now."      
     The switch has been a long time coming, Crist said, recalling friends who "for years tell me, 'You know Charlie, you're a Democrat and you don't know it.'" His record mostly backs that up: Despite fighting taxes and gun control laws, as governor Crist supported higher pay for teachers, was an advocate for civil rights, and voted primarily in favor of abortion rights.
     More HERE.