Earlier today, I had the misfortune of listening to a couple minutes of Fox "News" blather about the economy. They claimed the following:
1. Employment only increases when wealth is created.
2. Democrats are only interested in "spread the wealth", which does not create jobs.
In this note, I will examine these claims and hopefully prove why they are myths that can be disregarded by rational thinkers.
Claim: Employment only increases when wealth is created.
This is a common talking point amongst right wing pundits who never actually created a job. While it is true that often job creation leads to wealth creation amongst the investors who fund the job creation, it isnot necessarily true that wealth must be even in existence for initial job creation. (Think: credit.) Wealth already exists yet job creation is sloooooooow. Corporations are sitting on vast amounts of dough. Meanwhile, they are not in a hurry to create jobs. Wealthy investors are putting their dough overseas, rather than investing in American jobs.
Wealth alone does not create jobs. As I was taught by my professors at Stephen F. Austin State University, jobs are created when consumer demand rises beyond the existing ability of corporations to create products and services to meet consumer demand. Why would a corporation create jobs, in spite of having dough on hand, if there was no work (production of goods or services) for these new employees to do? In America, the vast members of the consumer class, which far outnumber the wealthy class, belong to the poor and the middle classes. The poor and the middle classes aren't spending enough dough to create the demand required to persuade corporations to hire more employees.
The reason for this lack of demand is simple: there is not enough dough in the hands of consumers for them to spend on additional stuff.There is a finite amount of dough in the economy to go around. This fact is perfectly OK with all the conservatives who complain about the fed creating money (probably because they already have all the dough they need), but it does mean that, as the wealthy class in America earns a bigger and bigger percentage of the available dough, there will be less available for the consumer class to spend.
The cure to this problem relates to claim number 2.
Claim: Democrats are only interested in "spread the wealth".
Democrats are among the people who realize that"spreading the wealth" won't solve anything, as conservatives claim.However, we must spread the income. We must make more of the limited amount of dollars floating in our economy available to the consumer class. Until we"spread the cash" among the consumer class, so they can actually spend on consumer goods, we will not see a robust increase in job growth. Such is Capitalism.
As I've stated before, the quickest way to get cash to the consumer class is via a temporary massive tax cut on middle and lower income levels. Say, no income tax at all on incomes below $60,000 per year. On incomes above $60,000 per year, charge taxes at the levels seen during the Clinton years.This scheme would put thousands of dollars of spendable income in the hands of the consumer class while not penalizing the wealthy class. This would be a temporary tax cut that would disappear as the economy improves.
Feel free to discuss this stuff. One question you might ask is what would be the effect upon government spending of such a massive tax cut.I have an answer, if you ask the question!
As usual, Fox"News" misplaces the blame for our faltering economy. Until we take the step I've outlined above, we can look forward to continuing economic stagnation.
~ Stevo