Sunday, July 28, 2013

In Fox "News"land, Christians can be experts on Islam, but not the other way around...

On Friday, Fox News invited renowned religious scholar and prolific author Reza Aslan onto the air, ostensibly to discuss his latest book on Christianity, ‘Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.’
But instead, host Lauren Green launched into an Islamophobic attack on Aslan’s credentials and expressed incredulity that he, a self-professed Muslim, would be able to write about Christianity in a fair and honest way.
Throughout the nearly 10 minute interview, Green inaccurately sought to portray Aslan as a religiously-motivated agitator with a hidden agenda out to discredit the very religion that he himself once practiced.
Read it here.
The article presents the many qualifications that Reza Aslan has which qualifies him to discuss Christianity. Now if only all the Christians who come onto Fox "News" to cast Islam in a negative light had similar qualifications...