Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Republican Congressman Declares That Most People On Food Stamps Deserve To Starve (AUDIO)

Yoho is saying that while his family NEEDED food stamps, everyone else isn’t really struggling to put food on the table and are just making it their lifestyle in order to get free food from the government. Plus, he thinks no one is starving in America who doesn’t deserve it. In short, Yoho thinks most Americans on food stamps actually deserve to starve.
Yoho’s remarks echo Tea Party Rep. Michele Bachmann, who stated in 2011 that the unemployed should starve as punishment for not having a job. The comments also echo other Republicans who have compared giving people food stamps to feeding wild animals.
Yoho, like the rest of his Republican colleagues, are making a huge mistake by attacking food stamps. Pew Research recently put together a chart showing which states rely on food stamps the most. The findings revealed that people in red states stand to lose the most if food stamps were to be eliminated. Even Florida, which Yoho represents, needs the program.
For some sick and twisted reason, Republicans have lost all compassion for people and refuse to believe the simple facts about hunger in America. ABC News reports that 50 million Americans are food insecure, meaning that they aren’t sure where their next meal will come from on a day-to-day basis. And despite GOP claims that food stamp recipients don’t actually deserve the aid, applicants already have to demonstrate a real need for the food stamps in order to qualify for the program. In fact, research has shown that the qualifications need to be raised so that food insecure Americans who make just enough money to be considered above the poverty line can have access to the program as well.

Read more: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/08/06/republican-congressman-declares-that-most-people-on-food-stamps-deserve-to-starve/#ixzz2bFBUXKtr