Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bill Moyers: Tea Partiers ‘have sucked the last bit of soul’ from GOP

Bill Moyers laid into Republicans in a blistering critique on Moyers & Company on Friday, particularly former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), whom he accused of using his platform as a CNN host to egg the party on in the ongoing government shutdown in spite of its harmful effects on the U.S.

“At least let’s name this for what it is — sabotage of the democratic process. Secession by another means.” Moyers said. “And let’s be clear about where such reckless ambition leads. As surely as night must follow day, the alternative to democracy is worse.”

Meanwhile, Tea Party Republicans and their rich supporters, Moyer argued, have “sucked the last bit of soul from the Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln,” turning them first delusional, then rabid, with the aid of conservative mouthpieces like Fox News and “multi-millionaire fabulist” Rush Limbaugh.