I keep hearing references to a pending "inter-generational war" as boomers seek to hold on to Social Security and Medicare at the "expense" of children and young people who need everything from better nutrition to preschool to more affordable college. Baloney. First, America is rich enough to fulfill the needs of the elderly as well as the young. What we lack is the political will to tax the wealthy, close tax loopholes, and end corporate welfare. Second, Social Security isn't a budget problem (to the contrary, until recently its surpluses financed the rest of the government). And Medicare, rather than being a problem, is really a potential solution to the real problem of rising health costs; because its administrative costs are far lower than those of private insurers, everyone would benefit (including our young) if we had Medicare for all. The inter-generational warfare theme is just another device used by those who want Americans to fight over a small slice of pie whose major portion is going to a few at the top.
Read Mr. Reich on facebook.