Friday, January 31, 2014

Millions Are Now Realizing They're Too Poor For Obamacare

Many states, mostly in the South, refused to expand Medicaid. Not only is this causing millions of Americans to not have insurance coverage, and imperiling their health, but it is costing taxpayers living in those states millions of dollars. This is an outrage.

Obamacare was supposed to make health coverage affordable, or even free, for low-income Americans. The law's official name is the Affordable Care Act. However, the Supreme Court tossed a huge obstacle in the path of that goal in 2012, ruling that the states could opt out of one of Obamacare's crucial provisions: The expansion of Medicaid coverage to anyone making less than 133 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $15,300 a year for a single person. Since the court's ruling, 24 states, including Florida, chose not to expand the program.
Under the pre-Obamacare rules, eligibility for the program typically was limited to low-income children, pregnant women, parents caring for children at home, and adults with disabilities. Without the law's expansion, an adult without a disability who isn't living with their children -- like Alphonse -- doesn't qualify for Medicaid, no matter how poor he or she is.
For those who don't qualify for Medicaid coverage, Obamacare offers tax credits for private health plans sold through the law's health insurance exchange marketplaces. But those subsidies are available only to those making between the poverty level, or about $11,500 for an individual, and four times that amount. In states not expanding Medicaid, people who earn less than poverty wages get nothing.
Moar here.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Confessions of a Former Libertarian: My Personal, Psychological and Intellectual Epiphany

I was a Buddhist concerned with world suffering — and I could no longer reconcile my humanity with my ideology.

Moar here.

Why Does Hating Other Religions Seem Fundamental to a Religion?

There are some 10,000 different religions, and followers of each are convinced that they possess the one truth.

As far as I’m concerned, the most interesting question about religion isn’t whether God exists but why so many people are religious. There are around 10,000 different religions, each of which is convinced that there’s only one Truth and that they alone possess it. Hating people with a different faith seems to be part of belief. Around the year 1500, the church reformer Martin Luther described Jews as a “brood of vipers.” Over the centuries the Christian hatred of the Jews led to pogroms and ultimately made the Holocaust possible. In 1947, over a million people were slaughtered when British India was partitioned into India for the Hindus and Pakistan for the Muslims. Nor has interfaith hatred diminished since then. Since the year 2000, 43 percent of civil wars have been of a religious nature.

Moar here.

The 20 Richest Americans Are Greedy Takers—Not Inspirational 'Makers'

They have all taken from the public or from employees, or through taxes or untaxed inheritances.

The top individuals on the 2013 Forbes 400 list are generally believed to be makers of great companies or concepts. They are the role models of Paul Ryan, who laments, "We're going to a majority of takers versus makers in America." They are defended by Cato Institute CEO John A. Allison IV, who once protested: "Instead of an attack on the 1 percent, let's call it an attack on the very productive." 

But many of the richest Americans are takers. The top twenty, with a total net worth of almost two-thirds of a trillion dollars, have all taken from the public or from employees, or through taxes or untaxed inheritances. 

Moar here.

Obama Is Driving The Right Literally, Not Figuratively, Insane

Obama Derangement Syndrome is rapidly devolving into Obama Psychosis. There is now almost nothing the right won’t blame on Obama. Chris Christie broke the law? OBAMA! Fox News ratings dropped a bit? OBAMA! Rush Limbaugh getting dropped from dozens of large markets? OBAMA!!!!

I know Obama Derangement Syndrome, but what the heck is Obama Psychosis?

Obama Psychosis: A total loss of contact with reality that usually includes: False beliefs about who President Obama is and what he is doing (delusions); Seeing or hearing things that President Obama never did or said (hallucinations).
Obama Psychosis Exhibit #1: Dinesh D’Souza, a minor celebrity on the right for an anti-Obama movie, picked the wrong people to help him break campaign finance laws and is now in trouble. No one forced him to break the law. He was not tricked. He was not entrapped. But add a little Obama Psychosis and BOOM! D’Souza is a victim of a nefarious plot.
Moar here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cold Snap For US? It’s the Global Warming-Induced COLLAPSING Polar Vortex, Stupid

"Disruptions of the polar vortex have been predicted by climate scientists such as Dr. Jennifer Francis, Dr. James Hansen, and Dr. Jeff Masters, among others, who have warned of more extreme weather caused by, among other things, loss of polar sea ice. Dr. Hansen, in particular, has warned of very intense storms as Arctic melt continues to ramp up and more of the Arctic’s cold is pushed episodically southward where it will inevitably confront the warming temperate and tropical zones. In the end, Hansen warns of frontal systems packing the strength of hurricanes large enough to span entire continents. These are the powerful effects of continued Arctic warming and of which the current polar vortex collapse is but a symptom."

Yeah, wait until this happens a few times. The flat earthers will be screaming that it's either God's judgement for marriage equality of just a crazy fluke that could possibly happen again. Or a third time. Nope, four times isn't a pattern. Five times? Pure coincidence. Six times? It's perfectly normal, what are you talking about? We've always been at war with Eurasia! ~ Justin Rosario

Moar here.

Did Syria Gas It's Civvies, Or Was It The Rebels?

Read it here.

How US Pressure Bends UN Agencies

More on Bush lied, hundreds of thousands died:

Bolton, a blunt-speaking neocon who later became Bush’s Ambassador to the United Nations, continued to insist in a recent interview with the New York Times that Bustani was ousted for incompetence. But Bustani and other diplomats close to the case reported that Bustani’s real offense was drawing Iraq into acceptance of the OPCW’s conventions for eliminating chemical weapons, just as the Bush administration was planning to pin its propaganda campaign for invading Iraq on the country’s alleged secret stockpile of WMD.

Bustani’s ouster gave President Bush a clearer path to the invasion by letting him frighten the American people about the prospects of Iraq sharing its chemical weapons and possibly a nuclear bomb with al-Qaeda terrorists.

Brushing aside Iraq’s insistence that it had destroyed its chemical weapons and didn’t have a nuclear weapons project, Bush launched the invasion in March 2003, only for the world to discover later that the Iraqi government was telling the truth. As a result of the Iraq War, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died, along with nearly 4,500 American soldiers, with the estimated costs to the U.S. taxpayers running into the trillions of dollars.

Moar here.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fox News host: Solution to high minority arrest rate is for them to smoke less pot

Today on Fox News we learn that if minorities don't like being arrested so much, they should smoke less ‪#‎marijuana‬.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Noam Chomsky: The drug war is the latest manifestation of a centuries-old ‘race war’

When looking at America's Horrific War On Drugs™, one has to consider what were the objectives and have we met them.

From a law enforcement perspective, our responsibility is to disrupt, dismantle, and destroy drug trafficking enterprises. We must also reduce the demand for drugs... Here.

That's the most succinct statement of objectives I could find. So, have we met these objectives? 

The world's most extensive study of the drug trade has just been published in the medical journal BMJ Open, providing the first "global snapshot" of four decades of the war on drugs. You can already guess the result. The war on drugs could not have been a bigger failure. To sum up their most important findings, the average purity of heroin and cocaine have increased, respectively, 60 percent and 11 percent between 1990 and 2007. Cannabis purity is up a whopping 161 percent over that same time. Not only are drugs way purer than ever, they're also way, way cheaper. Coke is on an 80 percent discount from 1990, heroin 81 percent, cannabis 86 percent. After a trillion dollars spent on the drug war, now is the greatest time in history to get high.

The new study only confirms what has been well-established for a decade at least, that trying to attack the drug supply is more or less pointless. The real question is demand, trying to mitigate its disastrous social consequences and treating the desire for drugs as a medical condition rather than as a moral failure.

But there's another question about demand that the research from BMJ Open poses. Why is there so much of it? No drug dealer ever worries about demand. Ever. The hunger for illegal drugs in America is assumed to be limitless. Why? One answer is that drugs feed a human despair that is equally limitless. And there is plenty of despair, no doubt. But the question becomes more complicated when you consider how many people are drugging themselves legally. In 2010 the CDC found that 48 percent of Americans used prescription drugs, 31 percent were taking two or more, and 11 percent were taking five or more. Two of the most common prescription drugs were stimulants, for adolescents, and anti-depressants, for middle-aged Americans.

Both the legal and illegal alteration of consciousness is at an all-time high. And it is quickly accelerating. 

Read more: The War on Drugs Is Over. Drugs Won. - Esquire 
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Since Richard Nixon declared war on drugs in 1971, the United States has followed down a policy path which dramatically increased the size of federal drug control agencies, the incarceration of non-violent drug offenders, and the penalties for drug use. These policies have done little to stop drug use while also leading to a higher incarceration rate than any other country in the world through the imprisonment of non-violent drug offenders. Drugs are winning.

The drug war has failed us, even worse; it has harmed our country through its draconian policies. The tide is currently swaying towards legalization of marijuana, but that will not be enough to undue this systemic harm. It is time to stop the war on drugs and replace its policies with ones which are less egregiously unjust.

Read more: Policymic

By any standard I can apply, the answer to the question, "Have we met the objectives of our drug war?" is a big ol' NO!

The damage to American society caused by the drug war is best summed up by Noam Chomsky:

“If you take a look at the incarceration rate in the United States, around 1980 it was approximately the same as the rest of developed society. By now, it’s out of sight — it’s five-to-ten times as high as the rest of wealthy societies.”
“It’s not based on crime,” Chomsky continued. “The device that was used to recriminalize the black population was drugs. The drug wars are fraud — a total fraud. They have nothing to do with drugs, the price of drugs doesn’t change. What the drug war has succeeded in doing is to criminalize the poor. And the poor in the United States happen to be overwhelming black and Latino.”
Chomsky then made his most explosive statement, claiming that the war on drugs is, in fact, “a race war.”
“It’s a race war. Almost entirely, from the first moment, the orders given to the police as to how to deal with drugs were, ‘You don’t go into the suburbs and arrest the white stockbroker sniffing coke in the evening, but you do go into the ghettos, and if a kid has a joint in his pocket, you put him in jail.’ So it starts with police action, not the police themselves, but the orders given to them.”
“Then there’s the sentencing, which is grotesquely disproportionate — then the highly punitive system instituted after, if anybody ever gets out of prison.” He claimed that “[p]rison’s only about one thing: punishment. They only learn one thing in prison, which is how to be a criminal…and the result is like reinstating Jim Crow.”
Read more: Raw Story

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Navy sailors have radiation sickness after Japan rescue

Navy sailor Lindsay Cooper knew something was wrong when billows of metallic-tasting snow began drifting over USS Ronald Reagan.
“I was standing on the flight deck, and we felt this warm gust of air, and, suddenly, it was snowing,” Cooper recalled of the day in March 2011 when she and scores of crewmates watched a sudden storm blow toward them from the tsunami-torn coast of Fukushima, Japan.
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Lindsay Cooper
The tall 24-year-old with a winning smile didn’t know it then, but the snow was caused by the freezing Pacific air mixing with a plume of radioactive steam from the city’s shattered nuclear reactor.
Now, nearly three years after their deployment on a humanitarian mission to Japan’s ravaged coast, Cooper and scores of her fellow crew members on the aircraft carrier and a half-dozen other support ships are battling cancers, thyroid disease, uterine bleeding and other ailments.
“We joked about it: ‘Hey, it’s radioactive snow!’ ” Cooper recalled. “I took pictures and video.”
But now “my thyroid is so out of whack that I can lose 60 to 70 pounds in one month and then gain it back the next,” said Cooper, fighting tears. “My menstrual cycle lasts for six months at a time, and I cannot get pregnant. It’s ruined me.”
The fallout of those four days spent off the Fukushima coast has been tragic to many of the 5,000 sailors who were there.
At least 70 have been stricken with some form of radiation sickness, and of those, “at least half . . . are suffering from some form of cancer,” their lawyer, Paul Garner, told The Post Saturday.
“We’re seeing leukemia, testicular cancer and unremitting gynecological bleeding requiring transfusions and other intervention,” said Garner, who is representing 51 crew members suing the Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the Fukushima Daiichi energy plant.
“Then you have thyroid polyps, other thyroid diseases,” added Garner, who plans to file an amended lawsuit in federal court in San Diego next month that will bring the number of plaintiffs past 70.
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Smoke rises from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March 2011 after it was hit by a tsunami.Photo: REUTERS/Tokyo Electric Power Co./Handout
Senior Chief Michael Sebourn, a radiation-decontamination officer, was assigned to test the aircraft carrier for radiation.
The levels were incredibly dangerous and at one point, the radiation in the air measured 300 times higher than what was considered safe, Sebourn told The Post.
Moar here.

TEPCO Quietly Admits Reactor 3 Could Be Melting Down NOW

Turner Radio Network (TRN) has issued a report regarding Fukushima Diachi Nuclear Plant that is expected to affect the entire Northern Hemisphere.

According to the report: “Persons residing on the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan.”

Through ENENews reports, TEPCO has confirmed  via camera surveillance, that steam has begun to pour from Reactor 3, although they have “not been identified abnormal plant conditions.”

TEPCO are reporting that “radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan.”

The corporation is not clear on the details of the sudden change at Reactor 3 because of “lethal radiation levels in that building.”

Summations from experts conclude that this may “be the beginning of a ‘spent fuel pool criticality (meltdown)’ involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America.”

- See more at:

America’s Foreign Policy Challenges in the Middle East, 2014

Those who suggest that the United States as a superpower is weaker in the Middle East today than nine years ago overestimate the impact on the region of the Bush administration’s frenetic invasions and occupations. Iraq and Afghanistan were off in corners of the Middle East, and the US clearly got bogged down in them fairly quickly. If anything, many countries in the region, such as Syria, felt they benefited from the US quagmires in the sense that Washington was preoccupied elsewhere. Hosni Mubarak in Egypt also blew off Condi Rice’s demand that he democratize.
Still, it is certainly the case that the diplomatic and military relationship of the US to the region is changing.

Smuck Dynasty

Phil's sure been busy! Let's hop in the Evil Liberal Time Machine™ and take a look at back at 1998 for some MORE of Phil's bigotry--this time against Muslims, the Chinese, and indirectly the Japanese (since he thinks Shinto is a Chinese religion). ~ Republican Family Values