Obama Derangement Syndrome is rapidly devolving into Obama Psychosis. There is now almost nothing the right won’t blame on Obama. Chris Christie broke the law? OBAMA! Fox News ratings dropped a bit? OBAMA! Rush Limbaugh getting dropped from dozens of large markets? OBAMA!!!!
I know Obama Derangement Syndrome, but what the heck is Obama Psychosis?
Obama Psychosis: A total loss of contact with reality that usually includes: False beliefs about who President Obama is and what he is doing (delusions); Seeing or hearing things that President Obama never did or said (hallucinations).
Obama Psychosis Exhibit #1: Dinesh D’Souza, a minor celebrity on the right for an anti-Obama movie, picked the wrong people to help him break campaign finance laws and is now in trouble. No one forced him to break the law. He was not tricked. He was not entrapped. But add a little Obama Psychosis and BOOM! D’Souza is a victim of a nefarious plot.
Moar here.