Thursday, May 8, 2014


CNN host explodes after guest denies calling Michelle Obama’s Nigerian girl tweets ‘cheap’

Frequent CNN "contributor", the conservaterd Will Cain, joined the rightwing hate-fest against people using social media to increase awareness of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria.

Don Lemon was having none of that nonsense.

“What have you done?” Lemon asked Cain. “What did you do for those girls? What did you do personally for them? If you’re so outraged by it, what have you done? Besides sit here on television and criticized other people’s efforts, if you’re so concerned about it, what have you done?”

“I’m pointing out something that’s important, Don,” Cain argued.

“If you’re pointing it out, do something to help!” Lemon shouted. “Rather than coming on and criticizing, do something to help!”

“I just think that what he said was a dog whistle for, to say — you’re talking about the first lady,” the CNN host added. “Will, I’m not stupid, and I’ve been on television with you before, and I know your game. And that’s what you were talking about.”