Friday, August 29, 2014

Ukraine/Rooshian FucqueUp

Interesting and unfortunate situation we're watching unfold between Rooshia and Ukraine. It would appear that Pootie-Toot has talked himself into a corner regarding his actions in Ukraine. He's riled up his countrymen (hell, and many in USA's right wing blathersphere) into a frenzy of Pootie-Toot Love by appearing to act "decisive" in battling the "Nazi regime" in Kiev. His "bold" actions are beginning to have some negative consequences in Rooshia as fear of financial sanctions taken by the West as well as potential future sanctions, and uncertainty over the future of the conflict, are harming the Rooshian economy.

So, rather than taking the prudent course of action, and work diplomatically, Pootie-Toot has invaded Ukraine with troops, tanks, big guns, and rocket launchers. Yes, I said invaded. Digital Globe images clearly show a Rooshian invasion of Ukraine underway, despite the fear of using that word by the O'Bama administration and the idiotic denials spewed by (MIS)INFOWARS. Undoubtedly, Pootie-Toot, as megalomaniacal leaders before him, feels he has to act thus to uphold the self-image he has made for himself.

What are we to do? Well, we can contribute to starting WWIII, or we can continue/expand sanctions. I'ma not sure that either choice will work out well. I'ma just glad I'm not President.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Right Wing Smearing Ron Johnson As Bad Cop. Why? Because He’s Black, Of Course

Little Green Footballs high-lights yet another total lie from The Gateway Pundit. This time it’s a smear against Capt. Ron Johnson who rose to pro-minence by acting like a human being and walking with the protesters in Ferguson to show that the police don’t have to be antagonistic to keep the peace.

Apparently, the visual of a black cop making white cops look like violent savages rubbed the totally not racist at all hacks at TGP the wrong way because they dug up a picture of Johnson pointing a gun at “unarmed white kids.”


According to local news, those “unarmed white kids” were out control and causing havoc: More HERE.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So Now What?

I supported the USA going into Trashcanistan to fight al Qaeda and neutralize the Turdiban. Unfortunately, we lost our way in that fight when we wasted American and civilian lives, and billions and billions of dollars when we engaged in our failed adventure in Iraq. While we farted around in Iraq, OBL roamed free for several more years and new terrorists, such as ISIS, formed up and are even worse destabilizing forces in the ME.

Now, we find ourselves needing to go full-HOORAH against the new Standard Of Terror™, ISIS. Time will tell if we screw up this necessary action as we have the rest of our "Horrific War On Terrah"™

ISIS commits first act of terror directly against U.S.: What now?

CBS News contributor and former deputy director of the CIA Mike Morell explained on "CBS This Morning" said the beheading of James Foley is a very significant moment.

"The definition of terrorism is political violence, violence for political effect," Morell said. "We should mark the date down, because this is ISIS' first terrorist attack against the United States."

ISIS, Morell said, is very clearly "trying to intimidate the U.S. into backing off" from the policy of airstrikes in Iraq.

"I think our response should be, and I think our response will be, to not do that," said Morell, who used to be in charge of preparing President Obama's daily intelligence briefings.

He said, if anything, the U.S. military should "pick up the pace" in its fight against ISIS, and in helping Iraqis reclaim territory from the militants who now pose a clear and direct threat to the United States.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason


Richard Nixon was a traitor.

The new release of extended versions of Nixon's papers now confirms this long-standing belief, usually dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" by Republican conservatives. Now it has been substantiated by none other than right-wing columnist George Will.

Nixon's newly revealed records show for certain that in 1968, as a presidential candidate, he ordered Anna Chennault, his liaison to the South Vietnam government, to persuade them refuse a cease-fire being brokered by President Lyndon Johnson.

Nixon's interference with these negotiations violated President John Adams's 1797 Logan Act, banning private citizens from intruding into official government negotiations with a foreign nation.

Published as the 40th Anniversary of Nixon's resignation approaches, Will's column confirms that Nixon feared public disclosure of his role in sabotaging the 1968 Vietnam peace talks. Will says Nixon established a "plumbers unit" to stop potential leaks of information that might damage him, including documentation he believed was held by the Brookings Institute, a liberal think tank. The Plumbers' later break-in at the Democratic National Committee led to the Watergate scandal that brought Nixon down.

Nixon's sabotage of the Vietnam peace talks was confirmed by transcripts of FBI wiretaps. On November 2, 1968, LBJ received an FBI report saying Chernnault told the South Vietnamese ambassador that "she had received a message from her boss: saying the Vietnamese should "hold on, we are gonna win."

As Will confirms, Vietnamese did "hold on," the war proceeded and Nixon did win, changing forever the face of American politics—with the shadow of treason permanently embedded in its DNA.

The treason came in 1968 as the Vietnam War reached a critical turning point. President Lyndon Johnson was desperate for a truce between North and South Vietnam.

LBJ had an ulterior motive: his Vice President, Hubert Humphrey, was in a tight presidential race against Richard Nixon. With demonstrators in the streets, Humphrey desperately needed a cease-fire to get him into the White House.

Johnson had it all but wrapped it. With a combination of gentle and iron-fisted persuasion, he forced the leaders of South Vietnam into an all-but-final agreement with the North. A cease-fire was imminent, and Humphrey’s election seemed assured.

But at the last minute, the South Vietnamese pulled out. LBJ suspected Nixon had intervened to stop them from signing a peace treaty.

In the Price of Power (1983), Seymour Hersh revealed Henry Kissinger—then Johnson’s advisor on Vietnam peace talks—secretly alerted Nixon’s staff that a truce was imminent.

According to Hersh, Nixon “was able to get a series of messages to the Thieu government [of South Vietnam] making it clear that a Nixon presidency would have different views on peace negotiations.”

Johnson was livid. He even called the Republican Senate Minority Leader, Everett Dirksen, to complain that “they oughtn’t be doing this. This is treason.”

“I know,” was Dirksen’s feeble reply.

Johnson blasted Nixon about this on November 3, just prior to the election. As Robert Parry of has written: “when Johnson confronted Nixon with evidence of the peace-talk sabotage, Nixon insisted on his innocence but acknowledged that he knew what was at stake.”

Said Nixon: “My, I would never do anything to encourage….Saigon not to come to the table….Good God, we’ve got to get them to Paris or you can’t have peace.”

But South Vietnamese President General Theiu—a notorious drug and gun runner—did boycott Johnson’s Paris peace talks. With the war still raging, Nixon claimed a narrow victory over Humphrey. He then made Kissinger his own national security advisor.

In the four years between the sabotage and what Kissinger termed “peace at hand” just prior to the 1972 election, more than 20,000 US troops died in Vietnam. More than 100,000 were wounded. More than a million Vietnamese were killed.

But in 1973, Kissinger was given the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the same settlement he helped sabotage in 1968.

According to Parry, LBJ wanted to go public with Nixon’s treason. But Clark Clifford, an architect of the CIA and a pillar of the Washington establishment, talked Johnson out of it. LBJ’s close confidant warned that the revelation would shake the foundations of the nation.

In particular, Clifford told Johnson (in a taped conversation) that “some elements of the story are so shocking in their nature that I’m wondering whether it would be good for the country to disclose the story and then possibly have [Nixon] elected. It could cast his whole administration under such doubt that I think it would be inimical to our country’s best interests.”

In other words, Clifford told LBJ that the country couldn’t handle the reality that its president was a certifiable traitor, eligible for legal execution.

Fittingly, Clark Clifford’s upper-crust career ended in the disgrace of his entanglement with the crooked Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI), which financed the terrorist group Al Qaeda and whose scandalous downfall tainted the Agency he helped found.

Johnson lived four years after he left office, tormented by the disastrous war that destroyed his presidency and his retirement. Nixon won re-election in 1972, again with a host of dirty dealings, then became the first American president to resign in disgrace.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

Bob Fitrakis is a Political Science Professor in the Social and Behavioral Sciences department at Columbus State Community College. He and Harvey Wasserman have co-authored four books on election protection, including Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?, As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004 , How the GOP Stole America's 2004 Election & Is Rigging 2008, and What Happened in Ohio

Harvey Wasserman's Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show is at, and he edits Harvey Wasserman's History of the US and Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth are at along with Passions of the PotSmoking Patriots by "Thomas Paine." He and Bob Fitrakis have co-authored four books on election protection, including How the GOP Stole America's 2004 Election, at

Thursday, August 14, 2014

While On DERP Patrol, I Heard About This...

It Don't Mean What Summa You Think It Means

Republican Led States Have Highest Rate of Uninsured Residents

No one should have to make the choice between their health and paying the bills. Yet Republican governors and legislatures in 24 states remain so entrenched in the politics of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), that they’re willing to risk leaving nearly 5.7 million of their own people uninsured by refusing to expand Medicaid with federal funding, forcing many of those in need of affordable healthcare to make the impossible choice between paying for health insurance or satisfying other basic necessities. 
This means that in today’s political climate, a major deciding factor in determining whether or not people qualify for health care coverage comes down to what party happens to control their state. Out of the 19 states with the highest rates of uninsured people in the country,  14 of them are led by a Republican governor. Out of those 14 GOP governors, 10 have publicly said they categorically oppose Medicaid expansion.
But do the Republicans provide some alternative? Do they have a better idea perhaps, maybe something to add with which to defend their position? Well, simply put, no. The Republicans vehemently reject the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with nothing.
State-by-state numbers, from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, show that states that have worked to fully implement Obamacare — which involves agreeing to both accept the law’s optional Medicaid expansion and to setting up their own insurance marketplaces — have seen the largest drops in their uninsurance rates over the past six months.
Meanwhile, the 10 states with uninsured rates equal to or greater than the national average, are Republican states such as, Alabama (16%), Louisiana (17%), Oklahoma (18%), Arizona (19%), Mississippi (19%), South Carolina (19%), Georgia (20%), Florida (21%), Nevada (21%), New Mexico (21%) and Texas (25%).
The sad part is, it’s precisely these states that have refused to expand Medicare and fully embrace the Affordable Care Act that could have benefited from it the most. These states had higher uninsurance rates to begin with, and they’re home to people who tend to be poorer and sicker than the residents in other states.

Lewis Black IS 'da Man!

When the fat oxycontin freak Rush Limbaugh made some crappy comments equating the death of Robin Williams to LIB'RULS, well, that was too much for Lewis Black. Sed he on his facebook page:

"FUCK YOU Rush Limbaugh. Your statements were beyond cruel and stupid. They were intolerable. Enough is enough from you. You are an idiot. Don't you ever demean the death of another human being. He was my friend. You disgust me."

The Stupid. It Hurts.

What do you think these terds would say if Black protesters marched in Ferguson carrying big ole guns? Yeah, exactly.


No Surprise Heah...

1. Immigrants. CHECK.
2. Gang members. CHECK.
3. Taek mai GUNZ. CHECK.

3 necessary requirements to scare white folks in a Republican advert...


Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, August 4, 2014

The DERP Convention 2014

So much derp... Let's visit the convention.

Watch: Cliven Bundy Claims God Told Him to Fight a ‘Civil War’

Welfare rancher Cliven Bundy told a crowd recently about his religious inspiration for his armed rebellion against the Federal government.
“The Lord told me… if [the local sheriff doesn’t] take away these arms from federal agents, we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war,” Bundy told members of the socially conservative Independent American Party.
Christian activist: Supporting Obamacare means promoting homosexual ‘deathstyle’

Conservative Christian activist and vlogger ‘Coach’ Dave Daubenmire argued on Saturday that any Christian who supports the Democratic Party is not being true to their faith, in part because the Affordable Care Act is promoting homosexuality.

“Friends, homosexuality is a deathstyle, it’s not a lifestyle,” he said in video posted by Right Wing Watch. “The medical consequences of what homosexuals do is staggering — not only to them, but to the medical care system, the Obamacare. Do you know that when you support Obamacare, you support the medical care of those who are engaged in self-destructive behaviors, including male-on-male sodomy?”

Daubenmire also said that the Democratic Party has used abortion rights and marriage equality as its “main platforms” for attracting voters, which put it on the wrong side of the “laws of nature.”

Fox Host: "This President Is Forcing The Impeachment Issue"

Anti-Immigrant Activist Says Influx of Migrants Will Lead to "Ethnic Replacement"

Michele Bachmann: Obama keeping migrant kids so U.S. can perform medical experiments on them


Both Sides Are Full Of It

Israel’s Parliamentary Deputy Speaker has laid out a detailed proposal for how to address the ongoing conflict in Gaza by posting a Facebook message that calls for putting all Palestinians in concentration camps and killing those who resist.

The story.

A Children's Book For "Them"

They named the father Dick Strong... AHHH HAH HAH HAH HAH HEE HEE HEE HOO... You got to be shitting me!

The story.

Oh The Irony

As pro- and anti-fracking groups battle in Colorady, we find this anti-anti-fracking group letter to the editor in The Denver Post today:

The irony of this letter, which whines that the anti-fracking efforts are being led by non-Coloradans is that the letter is written by a non-Coloradan. 

Of note is the fact that the Environmental Policy Alliance is a group of pro-industry PR dicks who are anti-EPA, anti-green, and anti-LEEDS.

More info about this PR group is here.

Has The Israeli Blockade of Gaza Backfired?

It seems that the tunnels that Israel is having to contend with in Gaza were originally built as a way to get food and other materials into Gaza, thanks to the crushing blockade instituted by Israel.

Read an update here.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not The Onion...

So apparently, this is a thing.

A children's book for them.

Join The Party...

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian sez...

North Carolina Diner Offers Customers 15 Percent Discount For 'Praying In Public'

A restaurant in North Carolina is now offering discounts to diners flamboyant enough about praying that their waiters notice. In other words, they are being encouraged to tell Jesus to stick a sock in it to save a few. Because He was pretty clear: If you want to pray, do it in private, otherwise you’re just an annoying hypocrite who prays only to be seen praying. (Matthew 6:5-6. You know the type – and so, apparently, did Jesus!) American Christians have always been linguistic gymnasts when it comes to getting around the clear, yet pesky, things Jesus asked (i.e., anything that starts with a “don’t”), so it was only a matter of time before we would expect to be paid to thumb our noses at Him. Because the only thing Americans love more than justifying narcissism is getting paid for it.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Cons Vs. Cons

The right wing is a total mess right now. It seems to be the batshit crazy right wing vs. the merely insane right wing. F'instance:

Even Fox News has had a difficult time controlling the discourse, with Geraldo River lambasting a heartless Sean Hannutty over the imbalance of Gaza casualties, and Fox News analyst Kirsten Powers taking Tucker Carlson to task yesterday:

“Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty?” she demanded.
“I’m saying yes, we are a refuge. We are a refuge to the people of the world who look up to us as a ‘shining city on the hill.’ Does that sound familiar to you?”

Carlson retorted, “So I have a moral obligation to share my earnings, and my country with people I’ve never met because they are suffering?”

Um, yes.

“Are you a Christian?” she asked. “Have you read the Bible? Because the Bible is crystal clear.”

Of course then, while it is a theocracy at all other times it suits the GOP and Fox News, Carlson denied that is true in this case: “This is not a theocracy! No, no. The country is not run according to Christian precepts here.”

Then there's this:

Despite all of his fellow Conservatives pushing for harsh treatment of the migrant children who have been flooding in at our border, Beck has decided that they should be treated with compassion and love. And no, I’m not kidding. On July 19th, Beck is planning on bringing a huge truck full of teddy bears, soccer balls, and hot meals to over 3,000 children in McAllen, Texas who’ve recently come across the border. And he has said that he doesn’t really care how this might affect his career.

Look, I have never agreed with anything that has come out of Glenn Beck’s mouth, but on this one, I have to give him some props. Especially since he is doing this under extreme pressure from the far right. He is literally receiving death threats because of this. Death threats.

This Is No Way To Live!

A Gaza cease-fire quickly unraveled Friday as violence erupted in a southern town in the war-ravaged strip, killing at least 44 Palestinians. The Israeli military said two soldiers were killed and an infantry officer was feared captured during fighting.
Israel and Hamas accused each other of breaking the cease-fire, which had been announced by the U.S. and the U.N. and took effect at 8:00 a.m. Friday. The fighting broke out less than two hours later.
The breakdown of the truce and the apparent capture of the Israeli soldier set the stage for a major escalation of the 25-day-old conflict, which has already devastated large swaths of the coastal area and killed at least 1,500 Palestinians, mainly civilians, according to Palestinian officials. Israel has lost 63 soldiers and three civilians.