Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So Now What?

I supported the USA going into Trashcanistan to fight al Qaeda and neutralize the Turdiban. Unfortunately, we lost our way in that fight when we wasted American and civilian lives, and billions and billions of dollars when we engaged in our failed adventure in Iraq. While we farted around in Iraq, OBL roamed free for several more years and new terrorists, such as ISIS, formed up and are even worse destabilizing forces in the ME.

Now, we find ourselves needing to go full-HOORAH against the new Standard Of Terror™, ISIS. Time will tell if we screw up this necessary action as we have the rest of our "Horrific War On Terrah"™

ISIS commits first act of terror directly against U.S.: What now?

CBS News contributor and former deputy director of the CIA Mike Morell explained on "CBS This Morning" said the beheading of James Foley is a very significant moment.

"The definition of terrorism is political violence, violence for political effect," Morell said. "We should mark the date down, because this is ISIS' first terrorist attack against the United States."

ISIS, Morell said, is very clearly "trying to intimidate the U.S. into backing off" from the policy of airstrikes in Iraq.

"I think our response should be, and I think our response will be, to not do that," said Morell, who used to be in charge of preparing President Obama's daily intelligence briefings.

He said, if anything, the U.S. military should "pick up the pace" in its fight against ISIS, and in helping Iraqis reclaim territory from the militants who now pose a clear and direct threat to the United States.