Sunday, February 22, 2015

O'Bama's Bad Results

Former RNC chairman Haley Barbour said we should be talking about President O'Bama's bad policies and bad results.

OK, I'ma talk about them bad results:

Job Growth - The private sector has recovered the jobs lost since 2008.
Dow Jones Industrial Average - At record highs.
Healthcare - A record number of Americans have health insurance coverage.

An excellent list of dozens and dozens and dozens more accomplishments is here.

There is more work to be done. F'instance, wage growth needs to improve. Infrastructure needs to be fixed. But these aren't O'Bama policy failures because the USA had so many problems after years of government inaction and outright pandering to the wealthy class that it will take years to fix 'em. But we're making a start and certainly are in better shape than we were when President O'Bama took office.