Saturday, March 14, 2015

Fox "news" Expert Calls For WWIII

With friends like Fox, who needs enemies?

Typically, the misinformation jetstream that is Fox News and its television and radio offshoots is a problem confined solely to the United States; however, recently, the conservative network’s hysterics have reached such a fever pitch that it’s actually affecting international relations. Fresh off a pending lawsuit filed by the city of Paris for its complete and total fabrication of “no-go” zones where Muslims have taken over neighborhoods, Fox once again allowed one of their “experts” say something so monumentally idiotic that the international community has responded.

Given the rise in Russian aggression towards its neighbor (and United States ally) Ukraine, coupled with Obama’s no nonsense approach to dealing with an over-blustering Vladimir Putin, it’s safe to say that United States-Russian relations haven’t been this tense in several decades. Stepping into this delicate balance is Fox’s resident “military analyst,” former U.S. Army Major General Robert Scales, who decided what would help ease tensions would be to go on television and suggest America start killing Russians.

“The only way the United States can have any effect in this region and turn the tide is to start killing Russians… killing so many Russians that even Putin’s media can’t hide the fact that Russians are returning to the motherland in body bags.”

There are a few other names for a policy of “killing so many Russians”: War. War with Russia. Or as future history books would call it “World War III.” Whatever your feelings are regarding Russia’s involvement in the Ukrainian separatist movement, sending American troops in to start killing people is probably not an attractive option.

It makes even less sense when you consider Republicans, and their cheerleaders on Fox, have their eye on a war with Iran. It’s unclear whether Scales thinks we should be killing so many Iranians along with the Russians we’re killing, but given what his neocon friends have been saying recently the answer is “probably.

More on Fox's WWIII hysteria on Addicting Info here.