Thursday, June 18, 2015

Home Grown Terrorism By A Home Grown Racist...

"I never heard [Dylann Storm Roof] say anything, but just he had that kind of Southern pride, I guess some would say. Strong conservative beliefs. He made a lot of racist jokes, but you don't really take them seriously like that." ~ John Mullins, who went to high school with the home grown racist terrorist.

Quote from The Daily Beast.

It took Fox News less than 12 hours to find a black pastor to call the horrific crime in Charlotte "Christian persecution," denouncing the idea of a hate crime and calling for churches to arm themselves.

Steve Doocy said, “I find it extraordinary that some are calling this a hate crime.”

Fox has once again fallen victim to creating its own hole, climbing in, and pulling the dirt over its own ignorant, wholly embarrassed head. Sorry, Fox...Wrong as usual.

More at Addicting Info.