Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fixing Republican Misinformation (Lies)

The other day, anti-choice Republicans put out a chart that purports to show something or another against Planned Parenthood:

So, Daily Kos put out a chart that puts the numbers into proper context:

Context is important! 

Hee Hee Hee.....!

Corrected chart.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

With fight against the Islamic State in Iraq stalled, U.S. looks to Syria for gains

With the offensive to reclaim territory from the Islamic State largely stalled in Iraq, the Obama administration is laying plans for a more aggressive military campaign in Syria, where U.S.-backed Kurdish forces have made surprising gains in recent months.

The effort, which would begin by increasing pressure on the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa, marks an important shift in an administration strategy that for most of the past year has prioritized defeating the militant group in Iraq and viewed Syria as a place where there were few real prospects for battlefield success.

The White House’s top national security officials met last week and will convene again in the next few days to discuss ways to capi­tal­ize on recent and unexpected gains made by Syrian irregular forces. The administration is considering providing arms and ammunition to a wider array of rebel groups in Syria and relaxing vetting standards, effectively deepening America’s involvement in the ongoing civil war.

Read it in The Washington Post.

Gee, I wonder what could possibly go wrong...

George W. Bush to Keynote Conference on Intelligence: Can’t Make This Stuff Up!

Former President George W. Bush is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at a security and intelligence conference called the Solutions Summit. The speaking event is titled “Human Critical: Empowering People to Drive US Security” and it has everyone scratching their heads and asking, what is George Bush doing giving a presentation at a security and intelligence conference?

The conference’s host, SAP National Security Services was not forthcoming with information about why President Bush was being asked, and likely paid, to speak.

OMG here.

Is Bellow Reilly coming out with another book?

Ex-hedge funder buys rights to AIDS drug and raises price from $13.50 to $750 per pill

A former hedge fund manager turned pharmaceutical businessman has purchased the rights to a 62-year-old drug used for treating life-threatening parasitic infections and raised the price overnight from $13.50 per tablet to $750.

According to the New York Times, Martin Shkreli, 32, the founder and chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals, purchased the rights to Daraprim for $55 million on the same day that Turing announced it had raised $90 million from Shkreli and other investors in its first round of financing.

Daraprim is used for treating toxoplasmosis — an opportunistic parasitic infection that can cause serious or even life-threatening problems in babies and for people with compromised immune systems like AIDS patients and certain cancer patients — that sold for slightly over $1 a tablet several years ago. Prices have increased as the rights to the drug have been passed from one pharmaceutical company to the next, but nothing like the almost 5,500 percent increase since Shkreli acquired it.

Read about it here. Meme's author website here.

This Shkreli individual claims the price is so high because he wants to create better treatments thru research. It has nothing-nothing, I tell you-to do with financing his lavish lifestyle. Doctors say such research is not needed in this case. 

Isn't American greed outrageous? And harmful to the rest of us. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized

The Bush White House ignored even more warnings about September 11 than we thought, according to journalist Kurt Eichenwald, who has a column in the NYTand a new book out today.

We already knew about the presidential brief from Aug. 6, 2001 that was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The White House has shown that this declassified document was primarily a history of Al Qaeda, not a warning of imminent attack.

But there were other briefings, some seen by Eichenwald, that did warn of an imminent attack.


Try this as a black man and see how quickly you will be dead. Look at this photo and tell me there's no white privilege.

Then there's this:

Run- you die. (#WalterScott)
Stay & get arrested- you die. (#FreddieGray)
Lay down while handcuffed- you die (#ericharris#OscarGrant)
Fight Back- you die (#TrayvonMartin)
Mind Your business- you die (#JohnCrawford)
Put your hands up- you die (#MikeBrown)
Proclaim your innocence- you die (#EricGarner)
Getting Married- you die (#SeanBell)
Pants Sagging- you die (#ErvinEdwards)
Beg for your life- you die (#ThaddeusMcCarroll)
Just alive at 12-you die (#TamirRice)
Be outside- you die (#RekiaBoyd)
Be at home chilling- you die (#KathrynJohnston)
Run into your home- you die (#RamarleyGraham)
Injured asking for help- you die (#JohnathanFerrell)
Be in stairwell- you die (#AkaiGurley)

Doubling the minimum wage... It's been done before.

Doubling The Minimum Wage May Seem Insane, But It Happened In 1949
Read it here.

Supporting war but not veterans... It's a Republican thang.

Veterans organizations were upset with Senate Republicans after they failed to gain enough votes of support to move forward with a measure that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. The GOP argued that the bill would bust the budget.

Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sponsored the bill that would have waived the VA spending cap that was previously established in a budget deal approved by both Congress and President Obama last December. Sander’s office estimated the legislation would have cost $20 billion over the course of ten years.

60 votes were needed to waive the budget rule. 41 out of 45 Republicans voted against it and killed the bill.

Read more here.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Jeb Forgets His Brother Tanked The Economy, Pitches Tax Plan To Do It All Over Again

After an extremely successful Clinton administration proved the federal budget could be balanced with a mixture of sensible taxation combined with responsible spending, Dubyah tore it to pieces, handing our future back to the same greedy special interests his father and Ronald Reagan pandered to. Adding insult to injury, two wars were put on the country’s credit card.

In short, it was a disaster. When the real estate bubble burst and the credit crunch squeezed the middle class, we came eerily close to a second Great Depression. The economic windfall of what goes down in history as the Great Recession won’t be forgotten any time soon, as our grandchildren’s children will most likely be looking at a piece of a pie chart labeled “interest on the national debt” for decades to come.

Jeb Bush, in all of his Republican establishment wisdom, has decided that his tax plan needs to not only mirror the failures of his brother, but take them a step further. Just like Dubyah did with the child tax credit, Jeb plans to sell his giveaway to the rich by promoting an expansion of the earned income credit, a tax program aimed at helping families near or below the poverty line. By selling a “helping hand,” Jeb will need to brush by the major tax cuts he’s proposing. That proposal includes a top-tier tax rate nearly one-third lower than his brother dared to peddle.

He will also be selling the idea that he will close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy while dropping the capital gains tax five points lower than Dubyah did, from 28 percent to 20 percent. The capital gains tax flows to the top 0.1 percent of households nationwide.

What Jeb won’t be talking about is how we’ll pay for another round of “give to the wealthy, they really need it.” We’re bound to hear the same old rhetoric, that people at the top will spend more and invest more if they have more, and we’ll all reap the rewards.

Read it here.

Sorry Mr. Bush, but your plan is bullshit. Economy destroying, middle class wasting bullshit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fox "news" anchor Shep Smith notes that these peeps claim they don't want Sharia law while pushing for, um, Sharia law...

Read it here.

Ever-Changing Hillary Email Scandal...

This email "scandal" keeps a changing. First Hillary Haters™ were mad because she was using a private server. Horrors! Then it turns out lots of other <<gasp>> gummit officials did, too. Erm, including Hillary Haters™. And it was legal when she done it. Then it turns out her server has never been hacked while the gummit servers have been compromised. So, by golly, let's come up with something else.... She DELETED PERSONAL EMAILS. Uh oh, so do I..... Oh, I almost forgot: BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!! Oops. Numerous Hillary Hater™ congressional "investigations" have concluded Hillary did nothing wrong in BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, let's have another "investigation". Just imagine all the millions of $$ that have been wasted on all this official Hillary Hating™.

I got a simple solution: If'n 'ya don't like Hillary, votate for Bernie. Heh heh.....

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thot For The Day

The Kentucky county clerk is in gaol for "not violating her conscience", and we should be proud of that, say her supporters.

Are they proud of Hitler for "not violating his conscience"?

Friday, September 4, 2015

The Right Wing Mind...

O'bama = Iran nuke deal = ARMAGEDDON!!!!
Reagan = selling weapons to Iran = hero.