Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ever-Changing Hillary Email Scandal...

This email "scandal" keeps a changing. First Hillary Haters™ were mad because she was using a private server. Horrors! Then it turns out lots of other <<gasp>> gummit officials did, too. Erm, including Hillary Haters™. And it was legal when she done it. Then it turns out her server has never been hacked while the gummit servers have been compromised. So, by golly, let's come up with something else.... She DELETED PERSONAL EMAILS. Uh oh, so do I..... Oh, I almost forgot: BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!! Oops. Numerous Hillary Hater™ congressional "investigations" have concluded Hillary did nothing wrong in BEN GHAZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, let's have another "investigation". Just imagine all the millions of $$ that have been wasted on all this official Hillary Hating™.

I got a simple solution: If'n 'ya don't like Hillary, votate for Bernie. Heh heh.....