Friday, October 30, 2015

"Your child's life don't trump mah gun rights."

Here's why all the peeps who believe this are total ASSHOLES:

So far this year 582 children under the age of 11 have died from gun-related injuries. Another 2,151 children ages 12 – 17 have also been killed by guns. Those numbers don’t include the thousands of children who survive gunshot injuries every year in the U.S. In total, almost 10,000 children under the age of 18 are injured or killed annually because of guns.

Every time a child is killed by a gun we’re told that it’s just another “tragic accident.” We shouldn’t blame anyone.

Yes, we should. We should blame the “responsible gun-owners” who are anything but responsible. We should blame the NRA and their spokespersons who encourage irresponsible gun-ownership. These are people who fight against every piece of sane gun legislation proposed, from requiring gun owners to lock up their weapons, to ensuring that guns have child safety features that could prevent these kinds of tragedies. They fight against mandatory gun safety classes, pushing to get more and more guns into the hands of people who understand the dangers less and less.

We should blame the Republican Congress and right wing politicians who take millions of dollars from the gun lobby in exchange for the sacrifice of our children to the violent, blood-thirsty, war-loving God of the Christian right.

The article is here. This particular god is not the God I believe in. Listen gunnies, put your God-damned phallic symbols away if you have kiddos in the house.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Time To Go Home, Mr. Christie

It’s that time in the ever-long presidential campaign when candidates lacking money and mojo are starting to go back to their plows. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey should join them.

Mr. Christie has been called a lot of things, but until Wednesday’s debate performance, “barely there” was not among them. In eight minutes of speaking time, Mr. Christie said little of substance. As for his parting pitch that he’s “deadly serious about changing this culture” of government, well, his constituents in New Jersey know better.

This isn’t strictly about Mr. Christie’s fitness for the presidency. His role in New Jersey’s budget crisis, betrayal on affordable housing and the interlocking scandals on his watch, fromBridgegate to “the chairman’s flight,” say a great deal about that.

The point is that New Jersey is in trouble, and the governor is off pursuing a presidential run that’s turned out to be nothing more than a vanity project. Mr. Christie’s numbers are in the basement, and he’s nearly out of campaign cash. This is his moment, all right: to go home and use the rest of his term to clean out the barn, as Speaker John Boehner would say.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Stevo's "If At First You Don't Succeed, Try Try And Fail Again™" Report

Our "gummit" inaction. (Do you see what I did there?)

Here's an interesting article, complete with interesting grammatical errors, that illustrates what I'm talking about:

In the never ending quest to prove who is the most ineffectual political party in the history of United States, the freedom Caucus wanted to demonstrate two they’re compliant and gullible base that they are really busy doing absolutely nothing by voting to repeal the ACA for the 58th time. While most sentient people with an IQ scoring in the domesticated animal range know that anything republicans do is exercise in futility, seeming busy is all they’re capable of.

Sure, republicans could do more important things to help our crumbling infrastructure or help our veterans get the help they need but as we all know, republicans don’t do anything to improve the lives of the people. If you want to tax the functioning brain cells of a Republican, you can simply ask them to name one thing that they have done to improve the lives of Americans in the last quarter century? Then watch them grasp for an answer which will result in them invariably bringing up Obama or Benghazi.

After Trey Gowdy’s disastrous performance at the Benghazi hearings last week, republicans –whose thirst for trumped up nonsense is unquenchable– decided they needed another select committee to investigate planned Parenthood. After Jason Chaffetz proved what a monumental idiot he is by presenting a chart to Cecile Richards claiming that abortions were up and cancer screenings were down, speaker of the house John Boehner thought he could make some more political hay for the Evangelical sheep by appointing representative Marsha Blackburn to head a select committee herself.

If you’re not familiar with Marsha Blackburn, she’s the vapid twit it opposes gun-control because “hammers and hatchets” kill people too. She also cosponsored a birther bill. A member of the tea party freedom Caucus, Marsha has proven that she has all the intellectual prowess of a gnat. Apparently, fox news viewers are not tired of Republicans demonstrating that they can’t govern, so the clown show will continue right up until Hillary is elected and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

More here.

Teh DONALD endured the tragedy of a posh childhood and economic security for life

Not only did have to endure the handicap of only receiving a ONE MILLION dollar loan from paps, but he had to make do with a MULTI-MILLION dollar inheritance.

It has been estimated by thems who know these things that tRump would have come out waay ahead if he'd invested his inheritance rather than used it to run a bidness and go bankrupt several times. Investing his liddle biddy MULTI-MILLION dollar inheritance probably would have made him a goofy BILLIONAIRE, rather than merely a goofy millionaire.

“It has not been easy for me. It has not been easy for me. I started off in Brooklyn. My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars,” Trump remarked. “I came into Manhattan, and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest. But I came into Manhattan and I started buying properties, and I did great.”

The horror of having to pay money back!

A Large Percentage Of Americans Are Batshit Crazy!

You need proof? Here's proof:

The Crazier Ben Carson's Statements Are, the Higher His Poll Numbers Go

Yesterday on Meet the Press, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told host Chuck Todd that women who have abortions are like slave owners. As delusional as that comparison is, it’s unlikely that it’ll derail his candidacy—in fact, it’ll probably just push him even further into the lead. With every bizarre, racist, or sexist Donald Trump comment, pollsters were predicting his demise, but Trump continued to do well in polls. And it looks Ben Carson is about to follow that trajectory.

The neurosurgeon turned right-wing fringe candidate is polling at 28 percent in Iowa, where the first round of votes will be cast—a healthy nine points above Trump. If this were 20 years ago, Carson’s penchant for comparing anything and everything to slavery or Nazi Germany would disqualify him from running for president of a tin-foil-hat club, let alone president of the United States. But this is no regular election.

In the latest Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics poll, Iowa Republicans were asked to rate how attractive they found Carson’s candidacy, based on some of his more bizarre statements. Eighty-one percent of responders found his comparison of the Affordable Care Act to slavery “very attractive” or “mostly attractive.” Seventy-three percent liked that he raised questions about whether or not a Muslim should be president of the United States, and 77 percent were onboard when he said that if Jews had been armed, Hitler wouldn’t have been able to kill so many people.

In this election, crazy statements are rewarded with higher poll numbers.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Benghazi attack: Right wingers holler to put Hillary in prison.
Mass shootings: Right wingers holler, "Don't taek mah gunz!"

This Nation is screwed.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Republican Gift

The Republican Party gave Democrats the gift of the goofiest bunch of Presidential candidates, and today, they outdid themselves with the BENGHAZZIE!!!!! witch hunt against Hillary.

Trey "Sweating Man" Gowdy, when asked what new was learned in today's 9 hour grillin' of Hillary.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Robert Reich Sez...

The first thing tyrants do is close schools. The second thing they do is burn books. The third thing is cut off information. Right-wing Republicans are on the way to doing all three: State legislatures continue to cut school budgets; local Republicans are reducing budgets for libraries. Congressional Republicans are now cutting off information -- slashing the budgets of the most important sources we have for collecting data on what’s really happening to jobs, wages, and the economy: the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because of such cuts, the BLS can no longer collect data on mass layoffs or how Americans are using their time; the cuts may also make employment data less reliable. 

Republicans don’t want Americans to know the truth. That way they can hoodwink us even more. But a free society needs good information no less than it needs citizens sufficiently educated to use that information to make informed decisions – such as voting Republicans out of office.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

Republicans are constantly blaming food stamp recipients for sitting at home collecting freebies, but studies show that their own southern white constituents are the worst moochers.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

"I believe you want the guy behind the counter."

The other day, this twit said the victims at the Oregon shooting should have rushed their attacker. Not that he would do it, of course. He claimed to have been held up once in a fast food joint, so he just told the gunman to go after some poor, minimum wage earning young victim instead. What an asshole!

Mother Jones has the story.

Our Gummit Is Broken


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Outrage That Is Durdy Politicks

8 previous Republican-led Benghazi committees found no fault with any administration official in the deaths of 4 Americans in the Benghazi attack. So a 9th Republican-led committee was started. Just a few days ago, a prominent Republican basically admitted proudly that this 9th committee (many would say all 9 committees) was started to harm Hillary, and by golly, it was working! Meanwhile, Republicans on this 9th Benghazi committee have been withholding testimony from publication that shows that there was NO administration or Hillary wrongdoing. Incredible! A high ranking DOD official testified that the Secretary of State AND POTUS said, as the attack was happening, that everything possible should be done to rescue the personnel in Benghazi. This testimony was withheld from Democrats on the committee, as well as from the American people.

This outrageous waste of taxpayers' $$ has to end. Now. If the Republican party wants to defeat a Hillary campaign for the presidency, then they need to do it in a war of ideas, not continued expensive, taxpayer-funded witch hunts. And that includes the wasteful hearings on private email servers. After all, it was secure gummit email servers that were hacked numerous times by foreign entities, not Hillary's private server.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Mom of Oregon shooter is a gun nut.... So is the Sheriff

The mother of the Roseburg, Oregon shooter stockpiled firearms because she feared stricter gun laws. Laurel Harper, the mother of the shooter, shared an apartment with her son. She was aware that he had mental problems, but chose to stockpile guns in her home because she feared the Obama administration was going to pass laws making it more difficult to get guns. She would seek the least restrictive gun ranges to take her son so the two of them could shoot as they desired. She had purchased several guns just weeks before her son killed nine innocent people. ~ Source

Just let that sink in for a moment. Gun nut momma, knowing her son had severe mental issues, chose to keep lots of guns in their home and instill a love of boom sticks in him. I so am in awe of this STUPID! This is the STUPID that is rampant in America today.

Meanwhile, the Sheriff of the county surrounding Roseburg posted a video to facebook a while back that questioned whether the Sandy Hook massacre ever happened. He once wrote a letter to O'Bama saying he won't enforce gun laws he don't like. He even threatened to arrest ATF and other federal agents. Needless to say, now this gun nut Sheriff is saying about all that, "Oh, naww, naww. Nothing to see here."

This is the STUPID that sets the USA apart from other civilized nations in that our gun violence is horrifically higher than other civilized nations. We're in the company of failed states throughout the world. How's that for "American Exceptionalism"?

The mother of the rage-filled loner who shot and killed nine people at an Oregon community college blasted opponents of open-carry laws and bragged about her personal arsenal of weapons online, according to reports.

Laurel Harper, a nurse who shared an apartment near the Umpqua Community College campus with her troubled 26-year-old son Chris Harper Mercer, boasted on Facebook that she owned a stockpile of handguns and assault rifles, according to

“And when the mood strikes, and as long as we’re tossing around brand names, I sling an AR, Tek-9 or AK over my shoulder, or holster a Glock 21 (not 22), or one of my other handguns, like the Sig Sauer P226, and walk out the door,” Harper bragged. “I find the shotguns are a little too cumbersome to open carry.”

Read more here.

Another school shooting, this time in Oregon, a sign of the times

9 killed by gunman who claimed online to be a conservative Republican
A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.
“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN.
Modal Trigger
Chris Harper-MercerPhoto: Myspace
A Twitter user named @bodhilooney, who said her grandmother was at the scene of the carnage, tweeted that if victims said they were Christian, “then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”
Gunman Chris Harper-Mercer’s disdain for religion was evident in an online profile, in which he became a member of a “doesn’t like organized religion” group on an Internet dating site.
Kort­ney Moore, 18, said she saw the teacher of her Writing 115 class get shot in the head at the college’s Snyder Hall before the gunman started asking people to state their religion and opening fire, the city’s News-Review newspaper reported.
Read about it here.