Here's an interesting article, complete with interesting grammatical errors, that illustrates what I'm talking about:
In the never ending quest to prove who is the most ineffectual political party in the history of United States, the freedom Caucus wanted to demonstrate two they’re compliant and gullible base that they are really busy doing absolutely nothing by voting to repeal the ACA for the 58th time. While most sentient people with an IQ scoring in the domesticated animal range know that anything republicans do is exercise in futility, seeming busy is all they’re capable of.
Sure, republicans could do more important things to help our crumbling infrastructure or help our veterans get the help they need but as we all know, republicans don’t do anything to improve the lives of the people. If you want to tax the functioning brain cells of a Republican, you can simply ask them to name one thing that they have done to improve the lives of Americans in the last quarter century? Then watch them grasp for an answer which will result in them invariably bringing up Obama or Benghazi.
After Trey Gowdy’s disastrous performance at the Benghazi hearings last week, republicans –whose thirst for trumped up nonsense is unquenchable– decided they needed another select committee to investigate planned Parenthood. After Jason Chaffetz proved what a monumental idiot he is by presenting a chart to Cecile Richards claiming that abortions were up and cancer screenings were down, speaker of the house John Boehner thought he could make some more political hay for the Evangelical sheep by appointing representative Marsha Blackburn to head a select committee herself.
If you’re not familiar with Marsha Blackburn, she’s the vapid twit it opposes gun-control because “hammers and hatchets” kill people too. She also cosponsored a birther bill. A member of the tea party freedom Caucus, Marsha has proven that she has all the intellectual prowess of a gnat. Apparently, fox news viewers are not tired of Republicans demonstrating that they can’t govern, so the clown show will continue right up until Hillary is elected and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.
More here.