Typical right wing lie:
The truth:
1) Hitler passed no such law, as Germany already had legislation strictly regulating gun ownership in place from long before the Nazis came to power - 1928, to be precise
2) The Nazis *did* pass gun legislation in 1938, but this expanded gun ownership throughout Germany, lowered the minimum age for gun ownership from 20 to 18, and lifted existing restrictions on all gun types except handguns
3) Nazi atrocities against the German Jewish population were carried out with at least the agreement if not the whole-hearted support of the vast majority of the German people, who had been conquered by a weapon far more powerful and insidious than mere guns - propaganda.
4) Most of the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust were not German, but came from other European nations that had been conquered by the Wehrmacht. They had not just had guns to protect them, they'd had entire armies and air forces, for all the good they did them.
5) Large numbers of Jews (and others opposed to the Germans) *did* have weaponry, and significant amounts of it, during the war. They were called the Resistance, but even the most powerful resistance units could only have been a minor nuisance against a powerful army such as the Wehrmacht. They were far more valuable in clandestine operations such as cutting telegraph wires to hinder enemy communications, placing radio markers to direct allied bombing raids or parachute landings, or passing on information about enemy movements and strengths, than they were in direct action.
6) A large number of Jews did, once, get their hands on large numbers of weapons and fought back against their German oppressors. It was called the Warsaw Uprising. It did not end well. Google it.
7) The meme is also really, really badly worded, as it would appear to say that between1938 and 1944, Hitler did nothing, then all of a sudden started rounding up and exterminating the Jews. But then, the person/people who made the meme probably don't have that nuanced an understanding of the English language, so that's probably to be expected.
Thanks to Michael Perkins