Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who vehemently opposes transgender people using public bathrooms that they identify with, presided for over a year in which 171 children died of abuse and neglect in his state.
A federal judge declared that Texas failed neglected children by medicating them “instead of addressing their trauma.” The court also stated officials routinely ignored signs of sexual abuse for years while placing children in the care of overworked caseworkers.
According to The Star Telegram, Patrick claimed that the transgender bathroom issue is a priority of the “highest order,” and he opposes Fort Worth’s school policy that allows transgender students to use the restroom that matches their gender identity. The policy also puts into action protections that shield LGBT kids from bullying, harassment and even physical harm.
Patrick has no direct authority over local school policies, but he is responsible for Texas’s Child Protective Services and the Department of Family and Protective Services.
The Telegram reports that Texas has more than 108,000 confirmed cases of child abuse, to which “Patrick held no press conferences. There’s no public statement on his website. He waved no banner for their well-being.”