Friday, July 29, 2016

Guess who is going to be holding an event down the street from me this evening... There goes the nebberhood.

Release Them Tax Returns!

Anonymous sources insist that, while Trump has no financial interests in Vladimir Putin's Russia, Russia has financial ties to Trump and/or his business empire. In light of Russia's email hacking, which was done to cost Hillary votes and turn the election in favor of Putin's pal Trump, it is imperative that Trump release his tax returns. For years, American Presidential candidates have released their tax returns to show that they have no financial conflicts of interest. Trump refusal to do so leaves the strong possibility that he's got something naughty to hide.

Same Ole Same Ole From Herr Trump

 When you've finally had enough of Trump mouthpieces excusing every stupid thing he says or do.

Herr Trump gave a speech last week at the RNC.

Trump's Ghostwriter Speaks

Under the guise of “balanced” journalism, CNN’s Chris Cuomo embarrassed himself, first by excusing Donald’s outrageous embrace of Russian hackers, then by carrying Donald’s water in an interview with Trump’s ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz.

Schwartz wasn’t having any of Cuomo’s both-siderism:

They think he is going to be, those who currently support him, their savior. There is no one, no one that Donald Trump cares about less than the people who are not making it in this world. Those people, those people don’t yet realize it, he considers to be losers. And the minute, because he has to be the winner, and others have to be the loser, the minute that that gets clear, the minute that he gets their votes is the last time he will pay attention to them.

Two Fox Anchors Admit Hillary Clinton Was Unfairly Attacked For Being Honest About Coal Miners

SHEPARD SMITH (HOST): I'm waiting for the politician who eventually, and it probably won't be now, but eventually finds it politically necessary to tell the truth, that globalism is not going away, and that economies are going to have to change fundamentally and there is no bringing back some things that are gone because of realities in the world. That no, you can't have it the way it was. It has to change now because the world has changed. That reality has not been spoken. 
CHRIS WALLACE: Let's take an example of that. Because that's kind of what Hillary Clinton was saying when she got roasted for talking about coal miners. 
SMITH: That's right 
WALLACE: You're not going to get your jobs back, and the second -- 
SMITH: Because they're not. 
WALLACE: -- and the second half of that, which is, so we've got to find you other jobs, didn't really get talked about. And that explains why it's so dangerous to play the truth card, and to just be honest and open. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

He's Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

This Isn't Funny Anymore. American Democracy Is at Stake.

Anyone who supports Donald Trump is a traitor to the American idea.

CLEVELAND, OHIO—A while back, we here at the shebeen decided that Donald J. Trump's actwas no longer funny. That he no longer was a goofy guy with three wives and a ferret on his head, a freak candidate who devoured an incredible passel of unpopular lightweights on his way to a freak nomination. That he was more than just a vessel for the barely camouflaged rage and fear of an aging white American majority terrified of so many barbarians at so many gates. But not until Wednesday did we realize the true magnitude of the threat that this reckless clown poses to American democracy. Not until Wednesday did we hear clearly the echoes of shiny black boots on German cobblestones.

On Wednesday, in several venues, He, Trump accused "some people"—he never said who they were, nor will he, ever—of calling for a moment of silence for Micah Johnson, the mass murderer of police in Dallas, Texas. We have had some experience with this. Back when he was still considered something of a sideshow attraction, He, Trump said that he's "seen" Muslim-Americans in New Jersey celebrating as the World Trade Center towers burned on September 11, 2001. He never said who they were, nor will he, ever. But at least there was a level of detail to the lie. There is in fact a state called New Jersey. There are in fact Muslim-Americans living there. And the attacks of 9/11 did in fact happen.

More here.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

And The Terrorism Continues

Trump says he would ask Congress to declare war on terrorism. Another sage tonight said, "The President won't admit we're in a war," even as the USA continues to kill massive numbers of terrorists on the battlefield of the "not war". Despite what this fella said on CNN, we've been fighting our Horrific War On Terror™ for 14 long years. Yet many terrorist attacks overseas and here in the USA, including, possibly tonight's attack in Nice, are being carried out by citizens of the attacked country.

How are we to carry out this war/not war to effectively stop terrorist attacks? The more we win on the battlefield, the angrier "homegrown" terrorists become. Political sages say we need to fight a more effective war. They say Muslim nations need to do more in this war. At the same time, they insult the religion of the very nations they want to do more in the war/not war. Other brilliant (in their own minds) strategerists say we need to turn the Middle East to glass or kill families of suspected terrorists, as if committing war crimes would stop terrorist attacks, rather than increasing them.

We're no closer to stopping terrorism tonight than we were in 2001. Judging from what so-called experts and politicians are yammering about, the future looks bleak.

Terrorist attack in Nice, France

Monday, July 4, 2016

Mormon Bundy Loyalist Against Land Gift To American Citizens

Their thinking is, screw the American people. If Our Betters™ can't exploit land for profit, nobody gets to use it.


All I got to say to Bundyites is.... GET OFF MY LAND!!!

Let’s Face It: Donald Trump Really Doesn’t Want To Be President

It's all a massive ego trip that's gotten out of hand.
