Thursday, July 14, 2016

And The Terrorism Continues

Trump says he would ask Congress to declare war on terrorism. Another sage tonight said, "The President won't admit we're in a war," even as the USA continues to kill massive numbers of terrorists on the battlefield of the "not war". Despite what this fella said on CNN, we've been fighting our Horrific War On Terror™ for 14 long years. Yet many terrorist attacks overseas and here in the USA, including, possibly tonight's attack in Nice, are being carried out by citizens of the attacked country.

How are we to carry out this war/not war to effectively stop terrorist attacks? The more we win on the battlefield, the angrier "homegrown" terrorists become. Political sages say we need to fight a more effective war. They say Muslim nations need to do more in this war. At the same time, they insult the religion of the very nations they want to do more in the war/not war. Other brilliant (in their own minds) strategerists say we need to turn the Middle East to glass or kill families of suspected terrorists, as if committing war crimes would stop terrorist attacks, rather than increasing them.

We're no closer to stopping terrorism tonight than we were in 2001. Judging from what so-called experts and politicians are yammering about, the future looks bleak.

Terrorist attack in Nice, France