Sunday, March 5, 2017

NEWS “You’re In Trump Country Now!”, Gay Couple In Florida Got Attacked In Sickening Way

The gay couple, named Kevin Seymour and Kevin Paul Taylor, were finishing dinner where they live in Key West, Florida, when they got attacked by drunken Trump-supporting tourists. Wrote Taylor on his Facebook page, “Feeling disheartened because we were victims of a hate crime last night biking home from dinner and a drunk tourist on a scooter harassed Kevin Seymour and me all the way down Duval, calling us faggots and a slew of other anti gay remarks such as “I bet you faggots voted for that bitch Hillary–well you live in Trump Country now.” He kept stopping in front of us and swerving into us. Finally Kevin got ahead of him and the guy charges him with his scooter and runs into him and knocks him off his bike. Kevin is okay. Luckily it happened right in front of a business with lots of cameras and also there was a witness on the porch that gave a sworn statement to the police. Thankful Kevin is okay and our emotional wounds will heal. The license plates on the scooter MCUT33. I think the cops will be able to track him down.” Are you sick of this virulent Trumper bigotry?