Republicans are promising to vote on the miserable excuse for a "healthcare" bill next week. Even though they all complained that Obamacare was passed with nobody reading it (even tho' Republicans did have input on that bill) they are rushing this odious excuse of a bill fast-fast-fast without any hearings, discussions, or without anyone even bothering to read it.
If this monstrosity passes, we'll have the disorganized mess of 50 different healthcare plans put forth by 50 states. Some states will try to keep protections for poor folks, older folks, and the middle class. Other states, like Texas and most southern states, will offer bare bones plans that will make it impossible for folks with pre-existing conditions (millions of Americans, including me, and most likely you), the poor, and middle class folks to afford the healthcare that they need to live. Insurance companies will make out like bandits because they won't have to cover expensive continuing medical care for older Americans. Most states will not be able to afford Medicaid because the $ that will come from Uncle Scrooge, er, Sam, will be limited. So the working poor will be screwed, too.
Hospitals, docs, nurses, governors... all are speaking up against this assault on Americans' health, but thems in control in Washington will not listen to reason, because they do not care about me 'n you.
All this to give rich folks yet another tax cut. The war on regular Americans continues. MAGA?