According to the most recent Fox News poll, not only does President Barack Obama lead every single potential Republican 2012 candidate who is hypothetically matched up against him, but shockingly Americans didn’t think that a single potential 2012 Republican hopeful would make a good president. Mike Huckabee did the best at 34%, followed by Mitt Romney (33%), and Sarah Palin (23%).
The Fox News poll found that much like his approval ratings, President Obama’s political fortunes are also on the upswing when it comes to potential 2012 political matchups. Obama now leads Mitt Romney 48%-41%. The President leads Mike Huckabee 49%-41%. Obama absolutely crushes Newt Gingrich (55%-35%) and Sarah Palin (56%-35%). Obama also blows out a man that many Republicans are dreaming would run against him, Jeb Bush. The President would blow out Jeb Bush, 54%-34%.
The Republican candidates fared even worse when the respondents were asked if each of them would make a good president. 55% of Republicans thought that Mike Huckabee would make a good president, but only 34% of Americans thought the same. 54% of Republicans thought Mitt Romney would make a good president, but only 33% Americans agreed. Only 43% of Republicans thought Newt Gingrich would make a good president, and 23% of America felt the same way. As for Sarah Palin, 40% of Republicans thought that she would make a good president, and just 23% of Americans agreed.
Several candidates who many Republicans are pining for in 2012 were also included in the poll. 39% of Republicans believed that Jeb Bush would make a good president, but only 21% of Americans shared their support for Bush. For Chris Christie, 29% of Republicans believed he would be a good president, and 18% of all Americans agreed. 55% of America has never heard of John Huntsman, but only 6% of them and 10% of Republicans thought that he would be a good president.