Monday, February 14, 2011

Republicans are marketing TREASON

A growing number of red-controlled states want to be free to ignore federal law if they don’t like it. South Carolina wants to mint its own currency! They hate all the amendments exception the Second and the Tenth and most of them don’t even know what exactly the Constitution says. Some want to repeal all the Amendments to get back to the “original” Constitution; they don’t seem aware that the first ten amendments – the Bill of Rights – were seen as essential by the authors and ratified by the same folks who’d ratified the rest.

But they – conservative ideologues – don’t want “knowers” – they want “believers.” It’s more important what you believe than what you know, so if you believe all the crap they’re selling you 24/7, 365 is true, then you’re their man (or woman, but probably man since women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen being subjected to non-forcible rape and shouldn’t be taught to read in the first place).

We live in different realities. That is, we live in reality. They don’t. One of George W. Bush’s aids admitted this to Ron Suskind in 2004 that the world does not work according to “Enlightenment principles and empiricism” but rather we create our own reality and that, essentially, you can keep creating realities, as many of them as you want or need.

So I guess the key is that if you don’t believe you’re guilty of treason, you’re not. In this invented reality America really was founded as a Christian theocracy. They really do believe, contra Al Franken, that they are entitled to their own facts. Of course, our facts, and our five senses, tell us that those ubiquitous “Don’t Tread on Me” flags should be translated as “I’ll Tread on You” because that’s the real message being sent. There our realities coincide: it’s what they meant and it’s what we hear.

You see, he Founding Fathers recognized the dangers of local assemblies and legislatures. They knew that these could trample rights as surely as a distant king. They feared the masses and it turns out they had good reason to. Look what we’re dealing with now. These suckers have been recruited by the Robber Barons to work against their own interest, to believe “rich men are your friend” and “Keynesian economics are wrong” despite centuries upon centuries of evidence that rich men are not our friends and that Keynesian economics works very well. Their “reality” can’t erase this evidence though they can choose to ignore it.