So-called "birthers" have contended since 2008 that Obama is ineligible to be president. They argue he was actually born in Kenya, his father's homeland. They have also not been satisfied with the "Certification of Live Birth" Obama has released, which is a digital document.
Hatfield's bill would require a certified copy of Obama's original birth certificate be provided.
University of Georgia political scientist Charles Bullock said the issue was likely more about politics.
"It could be that this individual really does doubt that Barack Obama was born in this country, despite evidence to the contrary," he said. "There are also people who think we have never sent astronauts to the moon. Or, the legislator may not have any real qualms, but figures this may play very well with his constituency in the district back home."
A handful of states, including Georgia, have proposed similar bills since Obama was elected, but five more states joined them during the current legislative session.