Michele Bachmann Says A Gay Man Can Get Married, But Only To A Woman (Like Her Husband Did)
Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve
The Elite are Getting Nervous... Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street
Repug Tax Plan Would Eliminate Deductions that SPECIFICALLY Target the Middle Class While Leaving their Buddies in the Top 1% Reaping their Windfall Profits
Bloomberg Evicts OWS Under Media Blackout - "For the Press' Protection" - Tyrants ALWAYS Perpetrate Their Crimes in the Name of the Security of the People
Bill O'Reilly's Lincoln Book Barred From Ford’s Theatre Bookstore for Plethora of Factual Errors - so Naturally O'Reilly Says it's All the Fault of His "Enemies"
Study Reveals Faux News Discusses - and DISMISSES - Climate Change the Most
Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve
The Elite are Getting Nervous... Lobbying Firm's Memo Spells Out Plan to Undermine Occupy Wall Street
Repug Tax Plan Would Eliminate Deductions that SPECIFICALLY Target the Middle Class While Leaving their Buddies in the Top 1% Reaping their Windfall Profits
Bloomberg Evicts OWS Under Media Blackout - "For the Press' Protection" - Tyrants ALWAYS Perpetrate Their Crimes in the Name of the Security of the People
Bill O'Reilly's Lincoln Book Barred From Ford’s Theatre Bookstore for Plethora of Factual Errors - so Naturally O'Reilly Says it's All the Fault of His "Enemies"
Study Reveals Faux News Discusses - and DISMISSES - Climate Change the Most