Monday, December 19, 2011

Thomas Jefferson Weeps As Virginia Is The Home Base For The War On Science

In every country there are segments of the population that are responsible for causing shame and humiliation on a national scale. Americans have plenty of reasons to feel shame as of late whether it is the Republican’s drive to kill jobs and impoverish the entire population or groups of science-denying dolts who rely on myth and superstition to solve the most pressing environmental problems. The war on science, and especially climate science, has established Virginia as a permanent insane asylum, where denying climate change has become a religion and its adherents little more than blind disciples of stupidity. It is remarkable that Virginia should lead the fight against established science because Thomas Jefferson established a university based on science as a rejection of religion-based curriculum prevalent in Virginia at the end of the 18th century. Jefferson could never have imagined that in the 21st century, his home state would lead the nation in reverting to Dark Age sensibilities.

Virginia, home to the nation’s first university to offer academic programs in, now common, disciplines such as astronomy and philosophy, as well as a school of engineering and applied science, was the first engineering school in the United States to be part of a comprehensive university. There is a vocal group of teabagger affiliates who are protesting preparations for climate-related sea-level rise, and in keeping with proven teabag tactics, have disrupted meetings where geologists, climate scientists, and planning commissioners proposed rezoning land for use as a dike against rising water. Sometimes, stupidity just overrides common sense and careful planning regardless the benefit to those screaming and disrupting planning commission meetings and it informs that when superstition, suspicion, and conspiracy theory intersect, the result is a certainty of impending disaster.

The group opposed to planning ahead to prevent the effects of rising sea levels from devastating the surrounding land mass focused their rage against the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission because they don’t think climate change is accelerated by human activity, as most climate scientists conclude. The group opposed to rezoning land sees the planners of using a trick to take their property and cite a United Nations environmental action plan adopted in 1992 as a shadowy global conspiracy to grab land and redistribute wealth in the United States. The main opponents of rezoning efforts are a teabagger affiliate with 7,000 members called the Virginia Campaign for Liberty. The group’s leader, Donna Holt said, “Environmentalists have always had an agenda to put nature above man. If they can find an end to their means, they don’t care how it happens. If they can do it under the guise of global warming and climate change, they will do it.” Conspiracy theorists and stupidity are not associated with the United States Navy that has taken rising sea levels to heart, and Naval Station Norfolk is replacing 14 piers at $60 million each to keep ship-repair facilities above sea level and working.

More here.