Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Enemy of Our Enemy Is Our Friend.... Until They Aren't

I realize that not all of them insurgents became Turdiban members, however, I'ma thinking that, had we not abandoned Trashcanistan after the insurgents defeated the Rooshian Commies for us, most of them probably would not be our enemies today. A little bit of financial aid to Trashcanistan after Rooshia left would have prevented the Turdiban from becoming al Qaeda supporters, bet'cha! The aid $$ we should have spent after the insurgents did our durdy work for us pale in comparison to the vast sums we spent in anti-terrorism efforts in Trashcanistan. 

What are we left with now? A corrupt gummit there and a still-active Turdiban. 

When it comes to the Middle East, we are such fuckups.