Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'ma Feered

Yesterday's events fill me with fear. In Congress yesterday, we saw that nothing will be done to reform Wall Street behavior that led to our horrible economy, massive job loss, and at least 1.5 million foreclosures, which has put the Middle Class onto life support. The head of JP Morgan got a gentle tap on the wrist from Democrat senators and tons o' love from Republican senators at a love-fest, er, hearing today that was supposed to investigate JP Morgan's recent behavior that was shockingly similar to the aforementioned recession-causing activities. Instead, this arse was invited to help Congress 'fix' regulations on Wall Street. OMG!

Wall Street spent billion$ to persuade Congress to limit regulations on banking and Wall Street. This lax governmental regulation allowed greed to run rampant in our financial community and that greed almost took America down. So yesterday I hear Mitt Romney say he would immediately, upon becoming President, remove regulations. OMG!! 

President O'Bama sez we need more policemen, firemen, and teachers. Whether you like O'Bama or not, you gotta admit that this statement is obviously true. Mitt Romney belittles this talk, saying that it is just more 'big gummit' and that the federal gummit doesn't fund policemen, firemen, and teachers and he won't either. That's up to local gummmit. What planet has Mitt Romney inhabited for the past 20 years? Planet Richguy??? Of course the federal gummit funds many policemen, firemen, and teachers. His cutting that funding will cause the loss of tens of thousands of police, fire, and teaching jobs! Local gummits cannot afford to make up the diffy. Each and every one of us would face massive local tax bills to make up the lost federal bucks. Hell, local gummits can barely manage to keep a freekin' LIBARRY open! OMG!!!

I have heard politicians demand an end to 'big gummit' (code for federal gummit) and a return to 'small gummit' (code for local gummit). Then I hear them same politicians demand dough from 'big gummit' when faced with a natural disaster (Rick Perry comes to mind, complaining that Texas aughtta secede from the Union, um, after the Union sends million$ in aid to Texas to help recover from massive fires and drought). OMG!!!!

Man, I needa drink. I ain'ta gonna watch MSNBC and Fox News no more. I need some brain-ded TV. Is Jersey Shore still on? Or maybe Love In The Wild? Yeah, them be purdy peeps that don't think too much. Or worry.