Georgia GOPers hold meeting over OBama mind control conspiracy
Georgia state Senators held a meeting last month to discuss Agenda 21, a supposed UN conspiracy to deny private property rights, which Obama will help accomplish through a mind-control technique known as Delphi.
The meeting was to discuss Agenda 21, a nonbinding UN agreement aimed at promoting sustainable development. It is also the target of conservatives who believe that it is part of a conspiracy to forcibly move suburbanites to cities.
Jim Galloway of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports on the meeting, which was called by the Republican Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, took place at the Capitol and was led by a former member of the Georgia Tea Party (who was forced out because of various conspiracy theories, including birtherism), Field Searcy. A 90-minute screening of the documentary Agenda: Grinding America Down was also shown, as was a video from conservative pundit Dick Morris, who warns of Obama’s “War on Suburbs” and plan to relocate everyone to urban areas.
In the video, Searcy calls Agenda 21 a “conspiracy to transform America from the land of the free, to the land of the collective,” and says that “our own governments are doing this. Our own local city councils and county commissions – they’re doing this.”
Searcy also says that Obama, local chambers of commerce and liberal groups will try to accomplish this through a form of mind-control.
More HERE.