“The President’s campaign focused on giving targeted groups a big gift—so he made a big effort on small things,” Romney told donors on a conference call, first reported by Maeve Reston of the L.A. Times. “Those small things, by the way, add up to trillions of dollars.”
Romney claimed Obama had been “very generous” to blacks, Hispanics and younger voters, according to the Times, insisting that the policy decisions had been a decisive factor in high turnout that tipped the scale against him.
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Republicans at war with each other:
It looks like Bobby Jindal won the race to be the first Republican to denounce Mitt Romney’s gifts comments. The Louisiana governor said on Wednesday at the Republican Governors’ Association that Romney was “absolutely wrong” in saying that President Obama won re-election because of large “gifts” given to women and minorities. “I don’t think that represents where we are as a party and where we’re going to be as a party,” Jindal said. One of the Republican favorites for 2016, Jindal said Romney had lost the election because he had not laid out a “vision” for the presidency. Your move Mitt?
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