Saturday, April 26, 2014

Responsible Gun Owner (Or: Guns And Alcohol Don't Mix, Are You Listening, Georgia?)

Penn. newlywed accused of shooting her niece dead after wedding reception
A 30-year-old newlywed Pennsylvania woman is accused of shooting her niece dead following an argument over driving home from her wedding reception, WTAE-TV reported.

Christina George-Harvan was charged with criminal homicide, recklessly endangering another person and two counts of aggravated assault on Thursday in connection with the death of 21-year-old Katelyn Francis. Police found Francis on the ground in the parking lot of a New Brighton bar with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. She died after being hospitalized.

Authorities said George-Harvan and her husband, Jeremy Harvan, were at the bar that night celebrating their wedding with Francis and other family members. After leaving the establishment, the couple and Francis allegedly got into an argument over who would drive home, since Harvan was in no condition to do so.

So, bang, bang, you're ded.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

The American People Are Damned: The US government has been selling out its Citizens in Pursuit of Money and Power

For decades, the US government has been selling out its citizens in pursuit of money and power. Due to their actions at home and abroad, they have made the world a more dangerous place for Americans and betrayed the values America was founded on by allowing the rise of a police state.

They have launched endless war in the name of “security,” yet this has racked up a huge price tag in blood and treasure. Their solution to the problem: massive austerity cuts. In doing these things, the government has condemned Americans a hellish nightmare of destitution and impoverishment.

The US government has been infected since the 1960s by the corporate elite. By aiding in the funding of campaigns, Congressional representatives were forced to kneel before corporate power and obey their wishes. However, there was somewhat of a balance due to the fact that politicians also had to partially depend on the public for funding and there were rules that guided how much a corporation could contribute. Yet, with the Citizens United ruling, corporations can contribute as much as they wan in the form of political action committees and then disappear.

To pay for these wars of aggression abroad, US lawmakers now state that we must “enter an age of austerity” and that there must be “shared sacrifice.” However, how much “shared sacrifice” is there when the deficit reduction plan ultimately was made up of $1.5 trillion in spending cuts? How much “shared sacrifice” is multi-million and -billion corporations don’t pay a cent in taxes? Why are austerity measures taking place when one can easily tax several of the 400 people who own half the nation’s wealth? These people are looked to as “job creators,” yet all they do is outsource jobs to get higher profits. There has been no reinvestment in America and this has damned Americans, both present and future, to a life of pain and suffering.


Vlad the Pootie-Toot sez that the interwebs is a CIA thang that Rooshia must fight. Well, paranoia: check. Domination of smaller countries: check. Militarism: check. Wants to be a badass: check. Hmm. I've seen this somewheres before...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

N.J. Gov. Christie on Colorado legalizing pot: 'Not the quality of life we want

Even New Joisey folks are laughing about this:

TRENTON, N.J. -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie repeated his well-known opposition to legalizing marijuana in his state, and sharply criticized one that has done just that...

The True Meaning of "Drill, Baby, Drill"

Remember how "drill, baby, drill" was supposed to solve our energy dependence? Remember the promise that this would lead to lower gas prices? Remember? Oh I do! Well, consider this info from the conservative Wall Street Journal:

"Gasoline stockpiles nationwide are at their lowest point for this time of year since 2011, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Meantime, the retail price for a gallon of regular gasoline averaged $3.68 on Monday, up 4.2 percent from a year ago, according to the EIA. That is the highest price since March 2013. AAA had the average price on Monday at $3.67.

"Gasoline futures climbed 1.1 percent to $3.0869 a gallon Monday on the New York Mercantile Exchange and are up 11 percent for the year. Prices for the futures, which are contracts to buy or sell at a specified price and time, are a leading indicator for prices at the pump and don't reflect the impact of taxes and other components of retail prices.

"While seasonal factors often account for rising gasoline prices ahead of summer, when millions of Americans hit the road for long car trips, the prospect of more gasoline being shipped overseas plays a prominent role in the current rally, analysts say."

Here's the WHAT 'TIS on gas prices. No politician can promise you cheaper gas if you just "drill, baby, drill". This practice only benefits oil companies and oil speculators. In reality, the price you pay to gas up Betsy depends strictly on the world demand for oil. Oil companies will ship gas where it can command the highest price. Politicians who push "energy independence" regarding oil (but no corresponding push for solar or wind power) are merely looking out for the interests of oil corporations, NOT the American consumer.

Feel free to do your own research if you don't believe me!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The usual suspects start Impeachment proceedings

Steve Marmel sez...

So. Congress has finally started impeachment proceedings against the President. Anybody have 4/22/14 on their "Sore Losers Finally Can't Take Any More" pool?

Lets be honest: If they weren't so sure that ANY white guy could beat ANY black guy in 2012, this would have happened years ago. That said, here we go:

"A resolution written by Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) claims Obama should be impeached for his defiance against the Constitution. The congressman officially stated the purpose of initiating the impeachment process was to “bring a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief to challenge certain policies and actions taken by the executive branch.”

The most recent and notable Constitutional defiance included a range of offenses regarding the Affordable Care Act. The president has changed the language of the law as well as, processes of implementation without the consent of Congress.

Rice wrote, “President Obama has adopted a practice of picking and choosing which laws he wants to enforce. In most cases, his laws of choice conveniently coincide with his Administration’s political agenda. Our Founding Fathers created the Executive Branch to implement and enforce the laws written by Congress and vested this power in the President. However, President Obama has chosen to ignore some of the laws written by Congress and implemented by preceding Presidents.”

So, first of all, f**k this guy. Him and the cousins he's currently nailng.

Second, see my "first of all."

And finally, if you're not going to go after Bush and Cheney for war crimes, the above is a crock of crap. But you know that. They know that. They don't care.

That said, meet the 29 pieces of crap (I'm sure you're not surprised to see the douchebags on this list) attempting to obstruct the last two years of this President's term with the same crap they did in the old days.

"Here is a list of those supporting Pres. Obama’s impeachment: Bachmann (MN), Bridenstine (OK), Chaffetz (UT), J. Duncan (SC), DeSantis (FL), Franks (AZ), Gowdy (SC), Harris (MD), Lamborn (CO), LaMalfa (CA), Marino (PA), McClintock (CA), Meadows (NC), Nunnelee (MS), Pittenger (NC), Posey (FL), Tom Price (GA), Ribble (WI), Salmon (AZ), Sanford (SC), Schweikert (AZ), Stewart (UT), Stockman (TX), Walberg (MI), Weber (TX), Wenstrup (OH), Williams (TX), Joe Wilson (SC), and Yoho (FL)."

Inbreds, hillbillies and bigots to the one.

USA'S Failing Middle Class

The American middle class, long the most affluent in the world, has lost that distinction.

While the wealthiest Americans are outpacing many of their global peers, a New York Times analysis shows that across the lower- and middle-income tiers, citizens of other advanced countries have received considerably larger raises over the last three decades.

After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada — substantially behind in 2000 — now appear to be higher than in the United States. The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans.

The numbers, based on surveys conducted over the past 35 years, offer some of the most detailed publicly available comparisons for different income groups in different countries over time. They suggest that most American families are paying a steep price for high and rising income inequality.

Continue reading the main story

Losing the Lead: About the DataAPRIL 22, 2014

Losing the Lead: This simple table summarizes our story on American living standards.APRIL 22, 2014

Losing the Lead: Back Story: How We Found the Income DataAPRIL 22, 2014

Although economic growth in the United States continues to be as strong as in many other countries, or stronger, a small percentage of American households is fully benefiting from it. Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.

Noo York Times

Monday, April 21, 2014

Badmouthing your mainstream media former boss. Accusing a liberal media outlet of plotting to silence her. Yep. Some say this is the road to a lucrative Fox "news" gig.

Moar here.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Thoughts from an Easter morning conversation

I went grocery shopping earlier this morning. I've discovered that Sunday morning is a great time to do that, because so many people are off in church worshipping whatever version of God fits their personal weltanschauung, keeping the aisles free of banging shopping carts.

I enjoy having the occasional chat with real people, because I can get a different take on Things That Matter™, as opposed to the blatherings of paid curmudgeons, such as those I often quote on my weak attempt at blogging, “Who Says I Have To Be Reasonable?” (

So as I waited while a clerk at Safeway loaded me up with chicken salad and other deli goodies, she wished me a happy Easter. I wished her one back and mentioned that I was sorry she had to work today. She replied that she was happy to be able to work today, and that she was worried about what would happen to her job now that Albertsons had bought Safeway.

This brief conversation brings to mind an unfortunate (as I see it) ongoing trend in modern America's version of Capitalism: consolidation. Consolidation has been going on for years in most areas of bidness. We've seen it in the airline industry, media, and, well, every industry. I've been ranting against it since I was arguing politics on Compuserve before Clinton was electated President.

Bidness consolidation almost always results in job loss in the consolidated company. Millions of mostly middle class Americans have lost their source of income as they are 'downsized' by a company that has consolidated by acquiring a competitor, then grabbing the competitor's assets, and letting go of the duplicate staff. This is usually done to make the acquiring company 'mean and lean', in the mistaken belief that this will 'maximize shareholder value'.

Unfortunately, not only does consolidation harm working families who lose income and often must join the ranks of the poor, but it lowers the number of people who can actually be shareholders. Consolidation harms consumers because there are fewer choices of products and retailers, and it has been shown to raise prices. Consolidation lowers worker pay because the consolidated company needs fewer workers, can chose workers from a larger pool of job seekers, and can demand higher productivity while offering only slightly-higher pay for the productivity increases. So far as I can tell, consolidation in bidness primarily benefits the large, monied investor. It doesn't help regular folks for the above-mentioned reasons, as well as for the fact that the resultant job losses and lower pay levels keep many people from fully participating as investors. I hope I don't have to explain to anyone why this is. If I do, let me know, and I will!

Consolidation is yet another factor in the unbalanced world economy, where the top income earners have continued to earn a greater share of the world's wealth while the vast majority of people have seen little to no improvement in their earning ability.

Have a great Easter and think upon what I'm saying. I have tried to avoid making this a political discussion, rather it is an economic rant. How'd I do?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Does A High Minimum Wage Equal High Unemployment? Not necessarily.

Australia's minimum wage is $15.30 in US dollars. Australia's unemployment rate is:
The USA's minimum wage is $7.25. The USA's unemployment rate is:
Australia's unemployment rate has been trending upward overall recently as the USA's has been trending downward. It will be interesting to see how these trends continue. Stay 'tooned!

Republican FINALLY Admits The GOP Is The Party Of No Ideas

Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Doomed) is completely screwed. He did the unthinkable. The inconceivable. The forbidden. He told the truth when asked about his party’s assault on Obamacare:

“I think one of the most unfortunate things my party did the last three years was not offer an alternative to health care,” Ross responded. “I’ve always felt that way. I think it’s absurd when I tell people that this isn’t what you should do, but I don’t have an alternative for you.”“I wish we had an alternative. It would make — you know what’s unfortunate? for the next six months, we’re going to go into an election knowing that we’re not going to do anything to address health care. Because we’ve gone so far in the last three years saying no, that we don’t have an alternative to say yes to”

Holy crap! He’s really is completey screwed. Republicans scatter like roaches from truth. If he doesn’t get primaried for this, it’s only because there’s not enough time to put someone on the ballot that thinks Obamacare will force everyone to become a vegan.

The core problem for Republicans is that Obamacare fixes a great many problems with the old system. Problems that anyone familiar with them hated with the fire of a thousand burning stars. Pre-existing conditions, rescission, lifetime caps, etc. were destroying the lives of millions of Americans a year. The only way to stop that without instituting Single Payer (aka “Medicare for all”) was to force insurance companies to stop these practices. Sounds reasonable, right?

The rest o' the story is here.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Latest on Healthcare...

Of course, figures will continue to change. "Net increase" takes into account (1). peeps who lost their inferior "insurance" coverage what was not up to snuff, who will be, or already have, replaced their "insurance" coverage with insurance coverage, most likely at the same or less cost, and (2) does not include peeps who got coverage thru their employer, or who were already insured and merely bought new coverage, for whatever reason. Thanks to those who pointed out the earlier figure was a gross figure, and that further explanation was needed. Prohibited where void. Yoo bet'cha.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fort Hood Massacres Show How Vulnerable We Are to Soldiers Who Have Suffered from the Traumas of War

And the government is cutting services to the very vets who need help.

Anti-Obamacare States Are Falling Far Behind In Insuring People

The ranks of the uninsured are thinning most quickly in states that have actively embraced Obamacare, a new poll finds.

The uninsured rate has fallen about 2.5 percentage points this year in states that agreed to expand Medicaid and established their own insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday. In states that either rejected Medicaid expansion or refused to set up state-run exchanges, or both, that percentage has only fallen 0.8 percent so far this year.


Ukraine Conflict: Government Forces Tighten Grip On Eastern Town, Prompting Warnings Of War From Putin

KRAMATORSK/SLAVIANSK, Ukraine, April 16 (Reuters) - Pro-Russian separatists hoisted the Russian flag on Ukrainian army armoured vehicles in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, mocking the pro-Western Kiev government's attempt to reassert control on the eve of crucial talks in Geneva on the country's future.

Amid escalating rhetoric between Moscow and Kiev, the incident highlighted defiance by pro-Russian separatists, undermining central government efforts to push armed rebels out of captured buildings in 10 eastern towns without bloodshed.

Government troops had driven armored personnel carriers flying the Ukrainian flag into the town of Kramatorsk in the early morning after securing control of a nearby airfield from the rebels on Tuesday, prompting Russian President Vladimir Putin to warn of the risk of civil war.

Several of the same vehicles later rumbled into Slaviansk, just 15 km (9 miles) away, with Russian and separatist flags and armed men in motley combat fatigues on top. They stopped outside the town hall, which is occupied by separatists.

As they drove in waving, some people waved back and shouted: "Well done lads!" and "Russia" Russia!"

A legitimate question?

I report, you decide.

Sean Hannity suggested Tuesday night that federal authorities are plotting a sneak attack on Cliven Bundy’s ranch after they appeared to back away from a standoff.

The recalcitrant rancher threatened violence against federal agents if they dared try to arrest him on the orders of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

“First I’ve got to say, Harry, get your army out of Nevada, get your army away from my ranch and off Clark County public land – and keep it out!” Bundy said. “And if they come, we’ll deal with them tonight. That’s what we’ve got to do, we’ll just deal with you. Whether you got guts enough to do it, come on.”

Hannity told the rancher he spoke earlier in the day to former Arizona sheriff Richard Mack, who warned that federal agents planned a surprise raid on the ranch.

...Hannity stirred the pot, telling Bundy that he had to believe something was brewing, and the rancher betrayed his ties to the Posse Comitatus movement that believes local authority trumps federal authority.

The story.

The Moar You Know...


3,687 millionaires would get an $87,000 tax break.

• Middle class families would pay $2000 more in taxes.
• 75,408 seniors would pay more for medicine by bringing back the prescription drug donut hole.
• 9,150 college students wouldn't receive Pell Grants.
• 703 domestic violence victims would lose access to the STOP Violence Against Women Program.
• 2,320 children would lose access to Head Start.

The Right Wing is really the Wrong Wing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Florida has been the scene of a number of Medicare fraud schemes and scandals involving the over billing of the government for medical services. New reports from the New York Times detail that some physicians have been billing the government as much as three to four times more than a procedure is worth and making millions in the process.

“Individuals committing Medicare or Medicaid fraud take from a pool of resources that people depend on for their healthcare,” commented Peter Mougey, a partner with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of qui tam or whistleblower and False Claims Act litigation. “These schemes cheat the system and make it more difficult for ordinary patients and honest doctors to receive the care and compensation they are owed.”

The story.


Last week, former presidents and dignitaries celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which bans many forms of employment discrimination and whites-only lunch counters, among other things. This week, a Republican congressman declared that he’s not sure if the Civil Rights Act is even constitutional.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), a freshman congressman aligned with the Tea Party, held a town hall Monday evening in Gainesville where he fielded a wide range of questions from constituents. One such voter was Melvin Flournoy, a 57-year-old African American from Gainesville, who asked Yoho whether he believes the Civil Rights Act is constitutional.
The correct answer is, “Of course it is.” Regrettably that’s not what Yoho said.

“Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act?” the Florida Republican replied. “I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.”

The story.


A Florida teacher was fired from her job last week after she allegedly encouraged six students to attack a classmate that spoke back to her.

Teacher Dru Dehart was fired on Thursday night from her position at Port St. Lucie's Northport K-8 school by the St. Lucie County school board, WPTV reports.

Dehart was accused last year of encouraging a March 2013 incident caught on surveillance video that showed six students attacking classmate Radravious Williams, WPBF reported last year. The attack took place after Williams allegedly told Dehart that he 'wished he could curse out teachers someday.'


A state senator who says Muslims threaten America and gays deserve to die of AIDS wants to give more control to local school boards after a hate group asked students to tear out one book’s chapter on Islam.

Could a seemingly innocent education bill championed by Republicans actually be a way for them to censor school textbooks and prevent students from learning about certain cultures and religions? In the words of Sarah Palin: “You betcha.”

The story.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

As Seen On Facebook...

Republican follies.
Can we just end this madness now? That would include sabre-rattling against Pootie-Toot. 'K?