Steve Marmel sez...
So. Congress has finally started impeachment proceedings against the President. Anybody have 4/22/14 on their "Sore Losers Finally Can't Take Any More" pool?
Lets be honest: If they weren't so sure that ANY white guy could beat ANY black guy in 2012, this would have happened years ago. That said, here we go:
"A resolution written by Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) claims Obama should be impeached for his defiance against the Constitution. The congressman officially stated the purpose of initiating the impeachment process was to “bring a civil action for declaratory or injunctive relief to challenge certain policies and actions taken by the executive branch.”
The most recent and notable Constitutional defiance included a range of offenses regarding the Affordable Care Act. The president has changed the language of the law as well as, processes of implementation without the consent of Congress.
Rice wrote, “President Obama has adopted a practice of picking and choosing which laws he wants to enforce. In most cases, his laws of choice conveniently coincide with his Administration’s political agenda. Our Founding Fathers created the Executive Branch to implement and enforce the laws written by Congress and vested this power in the President. However, President Obama has chosen to ignore some of the laws written by Congress and implemented by preceding Presidents.”
So, first of all, f**k this guy. Him and the cousins he's currently nailng.
Second, see my "first of all."
And finally, if you're not going to go after Bush and Cheney for war crimes, the above is a crock of crap. But you know that. They know that. They don't care.
That said, meet the 29 pieces of crap (I'm sure you're not surprised to see the douchebags on this list) attempting to obstruct the last two years of this President's term with the same crap they did in the old days.
"Here is a list of those supporting Pres. Obama’s impeachment: Bachmann (MN), Bridenstine (OK), Chaffetz (UT), J. Duncan (SC), DeSantis (FL), Franks (AZ), Gowdy (SC), Harris (MD), Lamborn (CO), LaMalfa (CA), Marino (PA), McClintock (CA), Meadows (NC), Nunnelee (MS), Pittenger (NC), Posey (FL), Tom Price (GA), Ribble (WI), Salmon (AZ), Sanford (SC), Schweikert (AZ), Stewart (UT), Stockman (TX), Walberg (MI), Weber (TX), Wenstrup (OH), Williams (TX), Joe Wilson (SC), and Yoho (FL)."
Inbreds, hillbillies and bigots to the one.