For decades, the US government has been selling out its citizens in pursuit of money and power. Due to their actions at home and abroad, they have made the world a more dangerous place for Americans and betrayed the values America was founded on by allowing the rise of a police state.
They have launched endless war in the name of “security,” yet this has racked up a huge price tag in blood and treasure. Their solution to the problem: massive austerity cuts. In doing these things, the government has condemned Americans a hellish nightmare of destitution and impoverishment.
The US government has been infected since the 1960s by the corporate elite. By aiding in the funding of campaigns, Congressional representatives were forced to kneel before corporate power and obey their wishes. However, there was somewhat of a balance due to the fact that politicians also had to partially depend on the public for funding and there were rules that guided how much a corporation could contribute. Yet, with the Citizens United ruling, corporations can contribute as much as they wan in the form of political action committees and then disappear.
To pay for these wars of aggression abroad, US lawmakers now state that we must “enter an age of austerity” and that there must be “shared sacrifice.” However, how much “shared sacrifice” is there when the deficit reduction plan ultimately was made up of $1.5 trillion in spending cuts? How much “shared sacrifice” is multi-million and -billion corporations don’t pay a cent in taxes? Why are austerity measures taking place when one can easily tax several of the 400 people who own half the nation’s wealth? These people are looked to as “job creators,” yet all they do is outsource jobs to get higher profits. There has been no reinvestment in America and this has damned Americans, both present and future, to a life of pain and suffering.