Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Except For The Beheading Part, ISIS/ISIL Is The Tea Party

Which group is:
Explicitly against homosexuality?
Explicitly anti-science?
Explicitly anti-evolution?
Explicitly anti-women’s rights?
Explicitly against other religions?
Explicitly for government based on their (and only their) religion?
Explicitly for the death penalty?
Explicitly for the use of or threat of violence to achieve political ends?
In love with their guns?
Explicitly xenophobic?
Consumed by a hatred of America under President Barack Obama?

The answer is: Indisputably both.

Now, regarding that beheading thing... The only thing keeping the right wing from outright violence is the belief that they can still somehow turn back time and “take back their country” from all of “those” people. Once they realize that will never happen, do you think they’ll peacefully let history pass them by or lash out in fear and rage?

Story's here.