Thursday, September 25, 2014

Open Carry Nut Scares Everyone, Sez They're The Ones With A Problem...

Leonard Embody is an open carry advocate who on Wednesday stirred up massive fear as he demonstrated his open carry rights near a high school, pacing back and forth, reported Talking Points Memo. The anxiety caused by Embody prompted enough fear that many near Hillsboro High School called the police.

Despite learning of the numerous complaints, Embody showed no remorse for his actions and said “a school is a prime place to be able to hand out my leaflets and educate children that guns aren’t dangerous as people think they are. Certainly a man carrying a gun doesn’t mean they’re going to get shot.”

Tell that to the students at Columbine, Sandy Hook, Fayetteville, Kent St., and scores of others in America’s history. Students, faculty, and staff have every right to be afraid when someone approaches a school with a gun.

Story's here.