Friday, December 12, 2014

My Final Post On This Disgusting Topic

This will be my final posting regarding the terrorist-like behavior of some members of the CIA. I find it so disgusting that this Nation, that prides itself on being the greatest nation in the world, acted just like the terrorists who supposedly aren't moral and are doomed to an afterlife in Hell. Apologists for this immoral behavior seem to think that God will give the USA a pass because... USA USA USA!

It is my understanding that God considers immorality to be immorality. Period. Instead of getting all huffy at those of us who despise such behavior no matter who do it, folks who did the durdy deeds and those politicians who condone it should drop to their knees and beg Almighty God for forgiveness. So should the American People.

I've heard peeps say that we got valuable info from sticking tubes up people's butts. Yet we heard John Brennan of the CIA, who is just as mad as anyone about the release of this report, say that the value of such interrogation techniques is “UNKNOWABLE”. It isn't much of a stretch to understand that means “unprovable”. It then becomes evident that I might be correct to assume that the value of torture is non-existent.

For many years, the USA has gotten “actionable intel” from non-torture interrogation means. Heinous crimes are solved every day by police departments throughout the USA using non-torture interrogation means. These historical facts lead me to believe that the main function of our use of terror was revenge. Revenge. That is the one thing that has started many wars and kept warfare in certain parts of the world going on for nearly forever. Revenge keeps Israel and its neighbors killing each other year after year. And all that has been accomplished when we succumbed to the desire for revenge is that more Middle Easterners have joined the fight against us, more Americans have died and been subjected to torture themselves, and we as a Nation and a People have lost our moral authority in all matters. So folks, stop using that excuse. Torture is immoral and wrong even if it were “useful”.

We need to stop making excuses for our immoral behavior. We sound like the criminals we claim not to be. In the words of Wayne Tucker, ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church, “In God's eyes, according to the scriptural revelation, sin is just sin. Any sin, no matter how small we might think it to be, is serious enough to sever our intended eternal relationship with God. But the faithful have an out where sin is concerned. We can and must confess our sin, and ask forgiveness for it.” So, rather than make excuses for the sinful behavior known as torture, do the right thing, America, and ask forgiveness and vow never to do it again. Our very ethical and moral doctrines demand it.

Quote source is here.