Outgoing congresswoman and Tea Party ‘darling’ Michele Bachmann sat down with Bill O’Reilly tonight to complain about the fact that Pres. Obama treated her like the “idiot” that she is during a Christmas party talk with President Obama, claiming that the president was “condescending and patronizing” to her.
As she recalls in the video, after she told Obama about how “seriously” she hopes he takes the threat from Iran, “The president smiled, and he was fairly condescending and patronizing and said, ‘Well, it’s not quite that easy, Michele. But that’s okay,’ like I’m just, you know, an idiot and I don’t know anything.”
Sorry, Michelle. When you act like a child for years and try to impress adults with your fake foreign policy “expertise” and intellect, don’t be surprised when you get laughed off and treated like a kid at a Tea Party.
The video is here.