Friday, April 22, 2016

The NRA Just Got Caught In A Lie That Shatters EVERYTHING They Stand For

Who can forget how emotional Wayne LaPierre was after Sandy Hook. As he stood at the podium with the NRA logo and raised his voice in disgust…and demanded we put more guns outside first-grade classrooms. An armed security guard for every hallway! Never mind that schools in many states have resource officers from their local police or sheriff’s department on hand, LaPierre needed to allow the pure anger to come through. Where were all the guns when those kids needed saving?

That’s the NRA’s sole purpose for existing now: To make sure everyone has a gun, possibly 2. The 4.5 million-member organization is a powerhouse on Capitol Hill, spending $3.6 million lobbying in 2015 and nearly another million in campaign contributions, primarily to Republicans. They only care about one thing: a complete lack of gun control laws and regulations. They’d like to see the Smiths with a battery of surface to air missiles in their side yard to compliment the Wilsons’ anti-aircraft cannon. Stingers for all the kids this Fourth of July! They want everyone with a couple hundred bucks to be able to walk in and purchase a gun, no questions asked because that’s what the gun manufacturers pay them to want.

One of their most successful strategies has been to build up the “bad guy” theory. How often do you hear some meathead say “it would be better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have one.” Well, as it turns out, even with 300 million guns floating around the country, very few are used to thwart a crime or in an actual act of self-defense. Josh Sugarmann, executive director of the Violence Policy Center released a study about the use of firearms in self-defense and other “justified” shootings by private citizens with some scathing remarks for the lies perpetrated by the NRA.

Basically, the NRA is full of sh*t... They’re selling fear and lies. ISIS is coming to get you. Burglars want to rape and kill your family and steal your flat screen. The feds are coming to take your guns and toss you in FEMA’s famed “re-education” camps. That’s good stuff right there.