Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Oh Yeah, About That Kaepernick Thing...

Reagan solicitor general: Donald Trump is a risk we can't take

It must be pure hell to be a traditional conservative Republican these days. It can't be great to watch the charlatan Trump hijack your party and drag it thru the mud with unprecedented levels of demagogic bullshit spewing daily from his anus, er, mouth.

Charles Fried is the former solicitor general of the United States for President Ronald Reagan. He is currently a professor at Harvard Law School. Here is a brief example of what he says regarding Trump...

(CNN) It was urgent that Hillary Clinton in her Reno speech indict Donald Trump for his regular, unremitting embrace of the slogans, causes and emblems of the far right (not conservative, please!) hate-mongering fringe of our public discourse.

This is not just an accidental association. It is his chosen signature. Remember, he was an enthusiastic birther and has gone on to embrace every sinister paranoid fantasy since.
Trump tells us that we need to rebuild our schools, roads, bridges, airports; so does Hillary Clinton. But he is going to cut everyone's taxes in order to pay for it. I believe her; I don't believe him because what he promises is simply unbelievable. And now he tells us Mexicans are great people; that maybe he won't deport all those people after all; that the insults he hurls about like confetti were not really meant to hurt anyone's feelings.

This is a man about whom the best you can say is that he doesn't believe anything he says. After that, it's downhill all the way. Hillary Clinton will give us a decent, competent, understandable government. That's plenty good enough for me, and considering the truly dreadful alternative, it's good enough for increasing numbers of my fellow Republicans.

More here.

Donald Trump is wrong that 'inner-city crime is reaching record levels'

Yet one more thing that Lyin' Donahld is fibbing about...

Aiming to blunt an overwhelming edge among African-American voters, Donald Trump has been decrying longstanding black support for Democratic politicians, who he blames for allowing economic inequality and crime to fester in African-American communities.

In an Aug. 29, 2016, tweet, Trump wrote, "Inner-city crime is reaching record levels. African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!"

Is Trump correct that "inner-city crime is reaching record levels"?

No, not even close.

More at Politifact.

Immigration Hypocrisy...

Republican nominee Donald Trump has placed immigration at the core of his presidential campaign. He has claimed that undocumented immigrants are "taking our jobs" and "taking our money," pledged to deport them en masse, and vowed to build a wall on the Mexican border. At one point he demanded a ban on Muslims entering the country. Speaking to supporters in Iowa on Saturday, Trump said he would crack down on visitors to the United States who overstay their visas and declared that when any American citizen "loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been violated." And he is scheduled to give a major address on immigration in Arizona on Wednesday night.

But the mogul's New York modeling agency, Trump Model Management, has profited from using foreign models who came to the United States on tourist visas that did not permit them to work here, according to three former Trump models, all noncitizens, who shared their stories with Mother Jones. Financialand immigration records included in a recent lawsuit filed by a fourth former Trump model show that she, too, worked for Trump's agency in the United States without a proper visa.

Foreigners who visit the United States as tourists are generally not permitted to engage in any sort of employment unless they obtain a special visa, a process that typically entails an employer applying for approval on behalf of a prospective employee. Employers risk fines and possible criminal charges for using undocumented labor.

Founded in 1999, Trump Model Management "has risen to the top of the fashion market," boasts the Trump Organization's website, and has a name "that symbolizes success." According to a financial disclosure filed by his campaign in May, Donald Trump earned nearly $2 million from the company, in which he holds an 85 percent stake. Meanwhile, some former Trump models say they barely made any money working for the agency because of the high fees for rent and other expenses that were charged by the company.

More here.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mother Jones




Richard Spencer, the white nationalist activist who coined the term “alt-right” to describe the emerging racist movement of which he is a leader, lashed out at Hillary Clinton today for her plans to criticize Donald Trump for his ties to the alt-right movement.

In a press release from his National Policy Institute, Spencer demands that Clinton “issue an apology to European-Americans everywhere” for supporting “an anti-White agenda.”

Spender also denies that Trump or his new campaign chairman, Steven Bannon, are tied to the alt-right, writing that while he has “has written favorably about both Trump and [Bannon’s news agency] Breitbart, he has consistently emphasized they are not exactly the Alt Right.”

Bannon, for his part, feels differently: He said as recently as July that Breitbart under his leadership was “the platform for the alt-right.”

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Story here.


Read about it here.


The outrage is here.

As noted by Justin Rosario

Still on vacation but if I've got it correct, in the last couple of days:

1. Julian Assange has outed homosexuals and rape victims that live in a country where this could get them killed. His reasoning was "But Hillary is evil and you're only upset because she's the candidate."
2. Donald Trump canceled a bunch of events, raising questions about HIS health even as he and his lapdogs try to fabricate a story about Hillary's.
3. The Clinton Foundation is suddenly the source of all evil in the world despite over a decade's worth of sterling humanitarian work that has benefited hundreds of millions of people. The proof that it's evil? It as "Clinton" in the title and literally nothing else.
4. Yet ANOTHER white kid got away with raping women because the judge doesn't want to ruin his life or a silly little mistake. Now he can go to college and do it all over again!
5. The sex scandal at Fox News is getting worse.
6. The cops almost killed a ten year old black kid with short hair because they somehow mistook him for a 20 year old bank robber with dreadlocks. No one will be held responsible for this.
7. Trump is spending most of his campaign donations on himself and his businesses.
8. Hillary Clinton has made South Carolina into a competitive swing state.
9. The far left is still attacking her for daring not to be Jill Stein or something. It's not really clear what they're whining abut this week.
10. A 12 year old is running part of Trump's campaign in Colorado.
11. The 12 year old is still more mature and capable than Trump.
12 (EDIT) Oh yeah! Native Americans are in a Bundy-style standoff with the government but without the threat of violence. Curiously, this is not the largest story in the country. Almost like it only matters when angry white conservatives do it and fuck everyone else.

His page is here.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The FBI recently gave Republicans on a House committee classified documents from Hillary's testimony to the FBI. The FBI warned Congressional Republicans that the documents were to be kept in confidence.

Guess what... there have already been leaks to the public BY REPUBLICANS of the classified documents. That is against the law. Will there be hearings on these leaks by Republicans? Aww Hell To Teh Naww™! The very thing Republicans have been harping could have happened (but didn't) with Hillary's email server has happened in the Republican committee. Heads should roll, but of course they won't. Disgusting.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Big ole private jet.... CHECK.
Suit coat, no tie.... CHECK.
Stupid gimme hat on.... CHECK.
Serious look on face.... CHECK.

Time for that photo op in Louisiana!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

TRAITOR TRUMP Admits To Audience That He Lies To Them...

...but of course, he's just being "sarcastic". And DAMM THAT MEDIA for reporting this!

At the beginning of a rally in Fairfield, Connecticut, Trump brought cancer survivor Giacomo Brancato and his family on stage and they endorsed him. Congrats for beating cancer, but stupid is stupid, and Trump winning the election in November would be inflicting cancer upon the whole country.

While he was introducing Brancato, Trump called all the camera operators “horrible people” and the crowd viciously booed. After Brancato left the stage, the Republican nominee claimed that he is not running against Hillary Clinton, but “against the media,” which drew another loud chorus of boos and vitriol.

While talking about Hillary Clinton, the crowd chanted “Lock her up!”

Then Trump once again bragged about how he is going to build a massive wall along the US-Mexican border and then claimed that Mexico is “100 percent certain” to pay for it.

But there was one moment when Trump seemed to slip and actually told the truth for once during his campaign.

Just before he prompted the crowd with his call and response question of who is going to pay for the wall, Trump admitted that he has been lying to his supporters to their faces.

“I might lie to you like Hillary does all the time, but I’ll never lie to Giacomo,” Trump said.

And the audience either just doesn’t care that he is lying to them or they were to stupid to even notice.

The story is here.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Mike Pence Should Get Trump to Withdraw

For the past year, every effort by Republican leaders to topple Donald J. Trump has met with embarrassing failure. Yet, according to published reports, jittery insiders are considering still another way to detach the Trump brand from the party of Lincoln and to remove his name from the ballot by fiat. There is a better option, one that can avoid an ugly, and likely futile, confrontation and help both Mr. Trump and his party save face. All eyes must now turn to the unassuming governor of Indiana to do what must be done.

I say this not as a member of the so-called Never Trump faction of my party. Though Mr. Trump was not my first choice for the nomination, I found his attack on the established order appealing at times, even entertaining, and respected the wishes of the clear majority of Republican primary voters. Americans long have been entranced with the idea of the political outsider who puts self-interest aside to battle Washington’s wrongdoers and set things right. But in recent weeks — indeed, months — the pitfalls of political outsiderdom have become plain.

Seasoned politicians learn what fights to pick, what half-victories to savor, how to make coherent points, and how to grow their electoral base. By contrast Donald Trump, an accomplished businessman unaccustomed to answering to anyone, appears constitutionally incapable of letting any slight go unchallenged. He has proved unwilling or unable to discipline himself to a consistent message or to restrain his worst impulses. He lacks an ability to form, or more important expand, a general election coalition. Indeed, whenever his poll numbers climb, as they may very well again in this unpredictable election, he is oddly more determined to test their durability.

Even if he were to win the presidency — a job that requires negotiation, diplomacy, discipline, finesse and some semblance of intellectual curiosity — it is not clear Mr. Trump will be able to master or enjoy the position. His self-destructive behavior demonstrates that on some level he knows this.

More here.

50 GOP National Security Officials Denounce Trump in Letter: NYT

Donald Trump “would be the most reckless president in American history,” 50 senior Republican national security officials, many of whom worked in the George W. Bush administration, write in a letter, according to the New York Times.

Read it here.

Republicans For Hillary

Click on the numbers to see the names...
