Wednesday, August 24, 2016

As noted by Justin Rosario

Still on vacation but if I've got it correct, in the last couple of days:

1. Julian Assange has outed homosexuals and rape victims that live in a country where this could get them killed. His reasoning was "But Hillary is evil and you're only upset because she's the candidate."
2. Donald Trump canceled a bunch of events, raising questions about HIS health even as he and his lapdogs try to fabricate a story about Hillary's.
3. The Clinton Foundation is suddenly the source of all evil in the world despite over a decade's worth of sterling humanitarian work that has benefited hundreds of millions of people. The proof that it's evil? It as "Clinton" in the title and literally nothing else.
4. Yet ANOTHER white kid got away with raping women because the judge doesn't want to ruin his life or a silly little mistake. Now he can go to college and do it all over again!
5. The sex scandal at Fox News is getting worse.
6. The cops almost killed a ten year old black kid with short hair because they somehow mistook him for a 20 year old bank robber with dreadlocks. No one will be held responsible for this.
7. Trump is spending most of his campaign donations on himself and his businesses.
8. Hillary Clinton has made South Carolina into a competitive swing state.
9. The far left is still attacking her for daring not to be Jill Stein or something. It's not really clear what they're whining abut this week.
10. A 12 year old is running part of Trump's campaign in Colorado.
11. The 12 year old is still more mature and capable than Trump.
12 (EDIT) Oh yeah! Native Americans are in a Bundy-style standoff with the government but without the threat of violence. Curiously, this is not the largest story in the country. Almost like it only matters when angry white conservatives do it and fuck everyone else.

His page is here.