At the beginning of a rally in Fairfield, Connecticut, Trump brought cancer survivor Giacomo Brancato and his family on stage and they endorsed him. Congrats for beating cancer, but stupid is stupid, and Trump winning the election in November would be inflicting cancer upon the whole country.
While he was introducing Brancato, Trump called all the camera operators “horrible people” and the crowd viciously booed. After Brancato left the stage, the Republican nominee claimed that he is not running against Hillary Clinton, but “against the media,” which drew another loud chorus of boos and vitriol.
While talking about Hillary Clinton, the crowd chanted “Lock her up!”
Then Trump once again bragged about how he is going to build a massive wall along the US-Mexican border and then claimed that Mexico is “100 percent certain” to pay for it.
But there was one moment when Trump seemed to slip and actually told the truth for once during his campaign.
Just before he prompted the crowd with his call and response question of who is going to pay for the wall, Trump admitted that he has been lying to his supporters to their faces.
“I might lie to you like Hillary does all the time, but I’ll never lie to Giacomo,” Trump said.
And the audience either just doesn’t care that he is lying to them or they were to stupid to even notice.
The story is here.