So, I’ve been studying up on the USA’s involvement in Niger. I’ve discovered the following odd set of facts. Boko Haram and ISIS have been active in several central African countries for a while now. Chad has had little activity from these terrorist organizations, but has sent many crack troops to fight the terrorists in the other central African nations. Chad has worked closely AS AN ALLY WITH THOSE NATIONS, AND THE USA. Chad’s fighters have been highly effective. So what does trump do? He BANS CHAD CITIZENS FROM COMING TO THE USA in his Muslim, er, travel ban. No one in the Chad gummit and no central African expert can figure out why trump did this.
Someone in the trump adminny says that Chad was barred because they couldn’t provide a sample of their passport so experts could determine if they were secure. At the time, Chad had stopped issuing passports because they had a secure paper shortage. Chad offered to send an example of a passport that had earlier been printed, but for some reason, in spite of Chad BEING AN ALLY IN THE HORRIFIC WAR ON TERRORISM™, we refused their offer.
Some have said that the real reason our ally Chad is on the Muslim, dangit I forget, travel ban is that Chad fined Exxon millions of $$$$ for misbehavior in that nation, and this ban is payback for that.
At any rate, Chad responded to the insult by saying f*ck you and PULLED OUT ALL ITS SOLDIERS in the fight against ISIS and Boko Haram. The result is that attacks by ISIS and Boko Haram have increased in severity, and now we’ve lost 4 American soldiers there.
It would appear that this could be quite the scandalous behavior by trump and his Secretary of State, a former Exxon official. It appears to me that trump and the Secretary of State could very well bear some burden of guilt in the fate of the 4 American soldiers. No wonder trump has avoided talking about the attack. Of course, I expect nothing but cries of “FAKE NEWS!” from trump supporters. trump’s prediction that he could shoot someone out on the streets and his peeps would still love him is quite an accurate prediction, it seems, against all reason.
Maybe someone could explain to my chemo addled brain why this is OK…