Tuesday, October 10, 2017

NOPE ‘We Don’t Stand by Our Agreements’: Diplos Brace for Donald Trump’s Assault on the Iran Deal

Experienced diplomats are warning that Donald Trump’s anticipated vote of no confidence in the Iran nuclear deal is a “crisis” whose impacts will reverberate to America’s detriment far beyond Iran.

Already, within the hallways of the State Department, anticipation over the imminent end of Secretary Rex Tillerson’s tenure is mixing with fear that a Tillerson replacement will help push the U.S. on a more bellicose path with Iran, whether the deal survives the year or not.

“Given what we’ve seen thus far, who the hell knows? It could certainly get worse,” a State Department official told The Daily Beast on condition of anonymity. “State could go from being underutilized and dormant, as it is now with Tillerson, to actively furthering really scary policies.”

Trump is expected to decline to certify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement ahead of an Oct. 15 deadline, even though Iran has not violated the deal. He’s likely to give a speech on Friday denouncing Iranian support for terrorism and its development of ballistic missiles, both of which are outside the terms of the accord.